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Bakers Dog Food

Bakers first developed dog food in 1991 with the belief that dry dog food should be as tasty as it is nutritious. Bakers complete dog food recipes are made with a variety of meaty chunks, whole grains, and tasty goodness, whether is dry or wet dog food; their range includes choices from Bakers senior dog food to puppy meals, Bakers small dog food to large dog food, and Bakers weight control / light dog food for a healthy, happy pet. Each meal has the everyday nutrients your dog needs to stay fit and healthy - explore the selection now!

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Looking to buy Bakers Dog Food?

Frequently asked questions about Bakers dog food

Should I buy Bakers dog food?

Bakers complete dog food is a popular choice for dog owners as it offers a great balance between quality and value for money - shop in various sizes to suit you, including large Bakers 14kg dog food packs.

Is Bakers dog food a standalone brand?

No, Bakers dog food is a brand owned by Purina, who sell many other kinds of pet food for both dogs and cats.

Is Bakers dog food made in the UK?

Both Bakers dry and Bakers wet dog food is made in the UK, with the main factories being located in Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.

Can I give my dog boiled eggs with its Bakers dog food meal?

Yes - provided they're thoroughly cooked through. Eggs are high in protein and they contain essential amino acids and fatty acids, making them great treats for dogs. They can even help to settle upset stomachs, which is perfect when paired with cooked chicken and plain white rice. 

Customers love our best-selling Bakers Dog Food

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