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Pedigree Dog Treats

Dogs are the most loyal animal companions we can have, and they deserve a great treat from time to time to show our appreciation. Pedigree dog treats are among the best in their class, offering a tasty experience that will please even the most discerning pets. Rising up to the high standards that have made the brand a global hit, Pedigree dog treats are a great reward to use while training your dog. Natural ingredients, a balanced mix of nutrients, and tasty flavours will help dogs fall in love with Pedigree dog treats, readily available on our website.

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Looking to buy Pedigree Dog Treats?

Frequently asked questions about Pedigree dog treats 

Can I give my dog a Pedigree Dentastix every day?

Yes - you can feed your dog one Dentastix per 24 hours. They're specifically designed to be chewed for long enough to be effective, with a gentle yet abrasive texture and active ingredients that help to reduce the build-up of plaque and tartar. Naturally low in fat and containing no added sugar, artificial colours or flavours, Pedigree Dentastix make the perfect daily treat for your four-legged friend.

Is it safe to feed my dog antlers as a treat?

Vets typically advise against giving your dog antlers as a treat. However, if you do want to give your pet an antler, always make sure it's of the highest quality possible and supervise them as they chew it. For peace of mind, why not give your dog a Pedigree dog treat instead? From chewy bully sticks and crunchy bone-shaped biscuits to moreish chicken chunks and soft beef bites, there's something to tantalise every dog's taste buds among Pedigree's range of dog treats. 

Are Pedigree dog treats safe?

Yes! Not only are they safe for your pooch to munch on, but they're also low in fat and free from sugar, too! As a result, Pedigree dog treats are good for your pup and tasty, giving them the best of both worlds by helping to keep their teeth clean and their gums healthy.

Where are Pedigree dog treats made?

As Pedigree boasts a range of factories in England, including locations at Melton Mowbray, Birstall, and Leeds, your pup's tasty treats are probably closer than you think! Instead of coming from far afield, Pedigree dog treats are never far away if you live in the UK.

Customers love our best-selling Pedigree Dog Treats

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