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5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger

By Youmile

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Description & Details


  • The module uses genuine quality relay, normally open interfaces , Maximum load: AC 250V/10A, DC 30V/10A.
  • Using SMD optocoupler isolation, driving ability, stable performance; trigger current 5mA.
  • The module Operating voltage 5V.
  • The module can be high or low by a jumper setting trigger.
  • Module size: 50mm*26mm*18.5mm (L*W*H).

5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger Description

YOUMILE 5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger

Module description:
1. The module uses genuine quality relay, normally open interfaces Maximum load: AC 250V/10A, DC 30V/10A;
2. Using SMD optocoupler isolation, driving ability, stable performance; trigger current 5mA;
3. The module operating voltage 12 V;
4. The module can be high or low by a jumper setting trigger;
5. Fault-tolerant design, even if the control line is broken, the relay will not operate;
6. The power indicator (green), the relay status indicator (red)
7. The interface design of human nature, all interfaces are available through a direct connection terminal leads, very convenient.
8. Module size: 50mm*26mm*18.5mm (L*W*H)
Module interface:
1. DC+: positive power supply (VCC).
2. DC-: negative power supply (GND).
3. IN: can be high or low level control relay
Relay outputs:
1. NO: normally open relay interface.
2. COM: Common Interface Relays
3. NC: normally closed relay interface.
High and low level trigger options:
It is low level trigger when jumper connect to LOW pin
It is high level trigger when jumper connect to HIGH pin
Package includes:
5 x relay modules.

Brand: Youmile
Model: TS-YM-071
Manufacturer: Youmile


Codes 0741416924138 (EAN)

Product Images

5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger 1
5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger 2
5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger

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5 Pack 5V One 1 Channel Relay Module Board Shield with optocoupler Support High and Low Level Trigger

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