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Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie 20cl


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Description & Details


  • 20cl
  • 50% ABV
  • Nose: Elegantly sweet with honey'd barley, boiled sweets and orange petals. Wafts of sea air.
  • Palate: Red apples and white grapes, with touches of sweet cinnamon and brown sugar. Still softly coastal.
  • Finish: Mineral-rich malt, with toffee and more honey.

Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie 20cl Description

This single malt was crafted by Master Distiller Jim McEwan from whisky matured in individually selectedAmerican and Spanish oak casks to showcase the classic, floral and elegant Bruichladdich house style.

Made from 100% Scottish barley, matured for its entire life by the shores of Lochindaal.


Codes 5055807400336 (EAN)
Rank #76 Whisky
#229 Spirits & Liqueurs
#368 Wines, Beers & Spirits

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Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie 20cl


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