
Derwent Pastel Pencils 4mm Core Metal Tin 72 Count (32996)


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Delivery: Standard (Free): Tue 4th - Sat 8th Mar

Sold by: Ami Ventures Inc

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Most Popular in Art Pastels

Description & Details

Derwent Pastel Pencils 4mm Core Metal Tin 72 Count (32996) Description

Derwent Pastel Pencils offer the creativity of a pastel with the convenience and control of a pencil. The pencils are a medium pastel slightly chalky and able to achieve fine points. They consist of a soft powdery texture with a velvety smooth finish ideal for mixing and blending and achieving fine lines required for detailed pastel studies. Derwent Pastel Pencils are 8 mm. in diameter with a wide 5 mm. pastel strip. Packaged in an attractive tin. Set of 72 contains deep cadmium 6B geranium lake 15B crimson lake 20B spectrum blue 32B Prussian blue 35B hooker-s green 75B emerald green 46B umber 79B orange earth 73B burnt sienna 62B ivory black 67B Chinese white 72B zinc yellow 1B crimson lake 20F dark violet 25F spectrum blue 32F indigo 35D forest green 76F May green 48B olive green 51B brown ocre 57B terracotta 64B burnt carmine 65B French grey 70D zinc yellow 1F; deep cadmium 6D; spectrum orange 11B 11D and 11F; geranium lake 15D; magenta 22B and 22F; dark violet 25B ultramarine 29B 29D and 29F; spectrum blue 32D; Prussian blue 35D; indigo 35B and 35F; forest green 76B and 76D; terre verte 77B 77D and 77F; hooker-s green 75F; emerald green 46D; May green 48F; olive green 51D and 51F; dark olive 74B and 74F; green umber 78B and 78F; umber 79D and 79F; sepia 53B 53D and 53F; burnt umber 54B 54D and 54F; brown ochre 57F; orange earth 73F; burnt sienna 62D; terracotta 64D and 64F; burnt carmine 65F; chocolate 66B 66D and 66F; and French grey 70H.


Codes 0046919098189 (EAN)
MPN 32996

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Derwent Derwent Pastel Pencils  4mm Core  Metal Tin  72 Count (32996) 1
Derwent Derwent Pastel Pencils  4mm Core  Metal Tin  72 Count (32996) 2
Derwent Derwent Pastel Pencils  4mm Core  Metal Tin  72 Count (32996)

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