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DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large

By DonJoy

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DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large Description

The DonJoy Deluxe Hinged knee brace is designed for moderate stability and support for knee ligament meniscus injuries, sprains and osteoarthritis The bilateral hinges to help provide additional knee support The Drytex material is an alternative to neoprene and constructed of a unique nylon core and polyester lycra fabric that allows for improved airflow This fabric provides compression and support, yet allows for breathability The popliteal is located behind the knee Individuals that do a lot of bending can experience friction burn from the material rubbing, so choosing an open back or open popliteal prevents that discomfort The DonJoy Deluxe Hinged knee brace is ideal for those who have allergies or irritations to neoprene or live in warm weather climates This brace is suitable for use in water If it is submerged in salt water or chlorinated water, it should be rinsed off afterward with fresh water and allowed to air dry


Codes 0888912058742 (EAN)

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DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large 1
DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large 2
DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large

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DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace, Drytex Sleeve, Open Popliteal, Large


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