
FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder


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Description & Details


  • CODEX Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is the HIGHEST QUALITY FOOD Grade DE you can Buy, as ours Exceeds the Health requirements for a DE to be called FOOD Grade.
  • Diatomaceous Earth is a 100% Natural and Organic substance that is Rich in many natural minerals including SILICA, in excess of 94%, this SILICA is essential and most beneficial to human health.
  • FoodPURA FOOD Grade DE is also very Effective Insect, Mite Control for Animals and around the home.
  • FoodPURA Is a Totally Organic, Rich in Natural Silica and Minerals Food Supplement
  • Also Animal Mite and Flea Control Powder, SAFE to use around the home

FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder Description

FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder Description

FoodPURA - 3KG Bucket Codex FOOD Grade DE Diatomaceous Earth, White Powder- Freshwater from Peru.. Good Silica 94% Content.

500G Re Sealable Pouch

CODEX Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is the HIGHEST QUALITY FOOD Grade DE you can Buy, as ours Exceeds the Health requirements for a DE to be called FOOD Grade.

This is a 100% Organic Natural White Food CODEX Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) in a 500G Re Sealable Pouch -  Fresh Water Sourced Ultra Fine Human Pure Grade suitable for BOTH Humans & Animals.

We are a HUGE Importer and Distributor of DE and sell throughout the UK and Europe, and have extensive knowledge of this over many years, Buy this Product in Complete Confidence as we know what we do, well!

High Quality Customer Service, should you have any questions on this or any of our products do get in touch!

* FoodPURA: Is a white PURE Freshwater sourced Product

* FoodPURA:  FOOD Grade DE is also very Effective Insect, Mite Control for Animals and around the home.

* FoodPURA: Stimulates the immune system in both humans and animals

* FoodPURA: Controls Internal Parasites inc worms and has also shown to Reduce Blood Cholesterol

* FoodPURA: Amazing Mineral stimulates the Metabolism gives stronger Skin, Hair and Nails, Silica is Essential to Health

* FoodPURA: Is a Totally Organic, Rich in Natural Silica and Minerals Food Supplement

* FoodPURA: Absorbs Poisons and Destructive Substances within the body & offers an alternative method for Detoxing!

* FoodPURA: Naturally keeps the Gut, Intestines and Colon cleansed

* FoodPURA: Taken daily keeps the Bowels clean

* FoodPURA: Will give increased Protein Ingestion

* FoodPURA: has been reported to assist with Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS), this is not proven but there are many reports that it can assist greatly in easing symptoms.

Diatomaceous Earth is a 100% Natural and Organic substance that is Rich in many natural minerals including SILICA, in excess of 94%, this SILICA is essential and most beneficial to human health.  Customers who buy this product always return and mention good results!

- Fast Same/Next working day dispatch -

We are a Huge Importer of DE products and have been for many years, see our other listings for the Best Animal FEED Grade & Worming powders!


Codes 5060663541031 (EAN)
Rank #16 Small Animal Healthcare
#24 Small Animal Healthcare & Grooming
#358 Small Animal Supplies

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FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder 1
FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder 2
FoodPURA 3KG CODEX FOOD Grade Diatomaceous Earth DE Powder

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