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Glenallachie 15 Year Old Single Malt Whisky 70cl

By Glenallachie

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Glenallachie 15 Year Old Single Malt Whisky 70cl Description

It’s now almost two years since they formed the GlenAllachie Distillers Company, bringing the distillery back into private ownership. In that time, they have opened a Visitor’s Centre, added two warehouses, grown from seven to 21 employees and their GlenAllachie and MacNair’s whiskies are now recognised as outstanding malts, receiving numerous medals and awards across both ranges.\n\nIt’s now time for them to expand the GlenAllachie core range and showcase more of what their whisky has to offer. Master Distiller, Billy Walker, has been working tirelessly on this new expression since day one; evaluating casks and refining recipes to create something special. They are proud to present the jewel in their crown; the GlenAllachie 15 years old.\n\nTASTING NOTES\n\nCOLOUR- Sunset Bronze.\n\nNOSE - Overflowing with raisins, butterscotch and sweet spices.\n\nTASTE - The rainbow of sweet spices, raisins and butterscotch develops to banana, orange peel and dark chocolate.


OPC P68985M
Codes 5060568321080 (EAN)

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Glenallachie 15 Year Old Single Malt Whisky 70cl


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