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greartisan Dc 24V 300RPM gear Motor High Torque Electric Micro Speed R

By Greartisan

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Description & Details

greartisan Dc 24V 300RPM gear Motor High Torque Electric Micro Speed R Description

Specifications: Rated Voltage: Dc 12V Reduction Ratio: 1:195 No-Load Speed: 300RPM Rated Torque: 031Kgcm Rated current: 06Amp D Shaped Output Shaft Size: 6*14mm (024 x 055) (D*L) gearbox Size: 37 x 23mm (146 x 091) (D*L) Motor Size: 362 x 333mm (143 x 131) (D*L) Mounting Hole Size: M3 (not included) Application: Vending equipments pan camera slot machine money detector coin refund devices automatic doors peritoneal machine toys motor etc Packages: - 1 x Dc geared Motor PLEASE NOTE: 1Use tolerance: Pay attention to the use of voltage and current range otherwise the motor performance and motor life will decline 2Handling motors: gently as far as possible the use of motor shell part 3Motor wiring: Red lead to the positive electrode black lead to the negative pole if reversed the motor rotation in the opposite direction 4Overload: As far as possible within the specified load range prohibit motor blocking or close to the stall state for too long time to runs Otherwise the motor will burn out 5Motor storage: AAA-- Storage temperature: 0 - 40 AAA-- Storage humidity: 15% -90% RH AAA-- Avoid placing in high temperature high humidity and corrosive gases 6Motor use temperature: 0 - 70


Codes 0784237174962 (EAN)

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greartisan Dc 24V 300RPM gear Motor High Torque Electric Micro Speed R

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