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Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie

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Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie Description

Product Description The Grossery Gang Action Figures are back and muckier than ever! After accidently opening up a time portal through a stinky toilet, the Grossery Gang are battling for their slimy survival. Gather Grosseries from different time periods and help them defeat The Rotbots from the future! Gooey Chewie is powered up and ready to take on the Rotbots! He is a Kung-Goo master who can stick it to the enemy with his icky ninja skills! Each action figure come with their own exclusive Grossery Gang weapon. All action figures are full articulated and work with the Chomp n Chew Trash-O-Saur and the 2 in 1 Rot Bot Assault Vehicle! Get ready for some gross mashin action! Set Contains: 1x Action Figure 1x Weapon 1x Missile 1x Exclusive Grossery 1x Instruction Leaflet


Codes 0630996691588 (EAN)
MPN 69158
Links Grossery Gang Toys

Product Images

Grossery Gang Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie 1
Grossery Gang Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie 2
Grossery Gang Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie

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Grossery Gang The Time Wars Action Figure - Gooey Chewie

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