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(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20)

By Hawkins

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Description & Details


  • Ideal for 3 or 4 Persons
  • Hard Anodised body and Stainless Steel lid
  • Black body heats faster
  • Does not react with food
  • Inside-fitting safety lid ? will not open until pressure falls

(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20) Description

The Contura Black has a unique body with rounded sides for easier stirring, better visibility and easy removal of food. For difficult dishes which require a lot of stirring, the Contura Black is the ideal cooker. Contura Black Pressure Cooker has hard anodised body and stainless steel lid. The beautiful, durable black finish given by 60 microns thick hard anodising has two benefits. It makes the pressure cooker absorb heat faster making it more energy-efficient. And the pressure cooker stays looking new for years. Each Hawkins Contura Black features an inside-fitting lid. This design is inherently safer than conventional cookers. Thus Hawkins Contura Black pressure cooker is pressure-locked for safety like a jetliner door! It has improved pressure regulator which saves more fuel. The safety valve is located under the lid handle bar so that when it operates the steam is safely deflected downwards. The gasket has minimum exposure to steam inside the cooker, does not rub every time the product is opened and closed so lasts longer. Stay-cool handles. Fixed sturdy pivot does not put pressure on the plastic handles as it is a part of the metal handle itself. Thus handles last longer. Recommended for use on gas stoves.


  • Keywords: Pressure Cooker

Product Tags

Black, Silver


Codes 8901165028842 (EAN)
Rank #220 Pots & Pans
#250 Cookware
Links Pressure Cookers

Product Images

(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20) 1
(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20) 2
(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20)

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(Black, 3L) Hawkins Contura 2 Litre Pressure Cooker, Handi Cooker, Silver (HC20)

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