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HME Trail Camera Holder Ground Mount


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HME Trail Camera Holder Ground Mount Description

No tree, open field...we got you covered! The HME Products Ground Mount Trail Camera Holder's spade design easily steps into the ground allowing the user to strategically place their trail camera on those frequently used trails or scrapes when there are no trees available. This stable and secure design adjusts from 26 inches to 36 inches and has 360 degree rotational camera head that tilts up and down for perfect camera placement. This simple, compact and sturdy design provides a dependable means for supporting all trail cameras with the 1/4 inch x 20 threaded insert on the bottom. Would also work great in a ground blind or for any outdoor activity when video taping.


Codes 0830636005151 (EAN)
830636005151 (UPC)

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HME Trail Camera Holder Ground Mount

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