(Dog) idooka Children's Cute Velvet Finish Door Stoppers Wedge-4 Animals Designs-Soft, Cuddly Polyester Material-Adorable feature in any kids bedroom

By Idooka
Design: Dog

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Most Popular in Door Stops

Description & Details


  • STOP YOUR DOORS SLAMMING - Such a cute doorstop! Soft and super sweet these gorgeous doorstops will help keep your doors open at home.
  • SUITABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF DECOR - Perfect for any room in the house, these animals will look fabulous in any room and can protect walls or decor getting knocked.
  • DIMENSIONS - Measures approximately H19 cm x 14 cm x 10 cm and weighing approximately 1 kg the eye-catching design is not an overly obtrusive size.
  • ASSORTED FUN DESIGNS - 4 fun designs and colour choices - Panda, Cat, Dog and Tiger in black and white or beige and white colour tones
  • SOFT & CUDDLY - Made from such soft material it is so tactile it can double up as a toy or new cuddly animal for your child.

(Dog) idooka Children's Cute Velvet Finish Door Stoppers Wedge-4 Animals Designs-Soft, Cuddly Polyester Material-Adorable feature in any kids bedroom Description

These super cute eye-catching animal doorstoppers make an excellent addition to any room. Weighing 1kg they are heavy enough to keep that door wedged wide open without it slamming. 4 different fun designs available- Panda, Cat, Dog and Tiger. Put them in the kid's bedrooms, living room, kitchen or any room of your choice. These animals are a good size and weight without being obtrusive. Dimensions 14x10x19cm. Made from 100% polyester. Soft and super sweet these gorgeous doorstops will help keep your doors wedged wide open at home. Ideal in any room in the house, these animals will look fabulous and are eye catching with a contemporary design twist! Measures approximately H19x14x10cm and weighing approximately 1kg.They come in four different designs - Panda, Cat, Dog and Tiger- Which will you choose? The black and white panda? The grey and white cat? The orange-tiger or the black and white spotty dog? Maybe 1 of each! Simply pick from the drop down menu and choose! It weighs approximately 1kg and will add a cute, modern look to whichever room you decide your animal is going to live. Made of 100% polyester.


Codes 5060575071428 (EAN)

Product Images

(Dog) idooka Children's Cute Velvet Finish Door Stoppers Wedge-4 Animals Designs-Soft, Cuddly Polyester Material-Adorable feature in any kids bedroom 1
(Dog) idooka Children's Cute Velvet Finish Door Stoppers Wedge-4 Animals Designs-Soft, Cuddly Polyester Material-Adorable feature in any kids bedroom 2
(Dog) idooka Children's Cute Velvet Finish Door Stoppers Wedge-4 Animals Designs-Soft, Cuddly Polyester Material-Adorable feature in any kids bedroom

Detailed Product Information


Product Data

Custom BundleNo
Item Depth10cm
Item Length19cm
Item Weight2.2 lb
Manufacturer WarrantyNone

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