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Lintratek 850 MHz Band 5 Mobile Signal Amplifier 2G 3G 4G Cellular Repeater CDMA 2G UMTS LTE Booster Antenna Kit Brazil Chile B5


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Lintratek 850 MHz Band 5 Mobile Signal Amplifier 2G 3G 4G Cellular Repeater CDMA 2G UMTS LTE Booster Antenna Kit Brazil Chile B5 Description

Dear all, please ready before read: This model work in 850mhz only if the frequency doesn't match, it cannot work, avoid buy the wrong frequency, please confirm the frequency before purchase. Working principle: Signal repeater just improve the indoor signal via OUTDOOR GOOD signal. Please find a good signal place to install the outdoor antenna. Support Outdoor condition: 1. Cell phone at least can catch 3 signal bars Outdoor: work in normal 2. Catch full bar signal outdoor: can work in perfectly. If cell phone only catches less than 3 signal bars outdoor: please purchase in consideration. *********************************************************************** >> 1-Band signal Booster (KW16L-CDMA-S)

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Codes 9455118912133 (EAN)
Rank #25 Radio Antennas
#234 Radio Communication

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Lintratek 850 MHz Band 5 Mobile Signal Amplifier 2G 3G 4G Cellular Repeater CDMA 2G UMTS LTE Booster Antenna Kit Brazil Chile B5


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