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(9-13 Yrs, Black) Regatta Kids Spirit Of Adventure Hooded Waterproof Warm Drying Changing Robe


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Description & Details


  • Featuring our waterproof and windproof Hydrafort 5000 fabric
  • Roomy, weatherproof and warm, our Junior Waterproof Changing Robe will give them freedom of movement as they change from dirty clothes into something clean and dry
  • The Borg fleece lining brings the warmth and comfort
  • With ample room, they'll be able to discreetly change without the need for a private room
  • 100% Polyester

(9-13 Yrs, Black) Regatta Kids Spirit Of Adventure Hooded Waterproof Warm Drying Changing Robe Description

Roomy, weatherproof and warm, our Junior Waterproof Changing Robe will give them freedom of movement as they change from dirty clothes into something clean and dry. Featuring our waterproof and windproof Hydrafort 5000 fabric, the kids' waterproof robe will keep them protected from the elements. The Borg fleece lining brings the warmth and comfort. With ample room, they'll be able to discreetly change without the need for a private room.


  • Colour: Black

Product Tags



Codes 5063019170985 (EAN)
Rank #3 Boys' Outerwear
#3 Boys' Coats & Jackets
#166 Boys' Clothes
Links Regatta Boys Coats

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(9-13 Yrs, Black) Regatta Kids Spirit Of Adventure Hooded Waterproof Warm Drying Changing Robe

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