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(Cactus) SEPHORA COLLECTION Foot Masks Description

What it is:
92% of ingredients of natural origin – Leakproof skincare socks – For a shot of intense skincare!

What it does:
Made from ingredients at least 92% of which are of natural origin, our Sephora Collection foot masks are enriched with plant extracts. Our pretty, leakproof socks contain a gel that delivers a full treatment shot in just 20 minutes! The nourishing, hydrating and restorative (or refreshing and anti-fatigue) masks are just what dry or tired feet need and deliver an instantly comforting feeling.

Our super-ingredients have been selected according to very strict criteria, to best meet your skin's needs:
- Coconut: Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and is used to comfort dry skin, owing to its soothing, nourishing properties!
- Cactus: Known for its moisturizing properties, cactus is just the thing to “wake up” tired feet!

What else you need to know:
These pretty socks are decorated with the colors of our ingredients - so you'll never want to take them off!

1 pair


Codes 3378872141914 (EAN)
Rank #13 Foot Masks
#259 Hand & Foot Care

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