(500g) Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda - 100% BP (Food Grade

By Ukhealthhouse
Quantity: 500g

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Sold by: UKHealthhouse

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Most Popular in Baking Soda

Description & Details


  • PREMIUM QUALITY: Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a staple in many homes for baking and cleaning purposes. It rates right up there with hydrogen peroxide as one of the most inexpensive and safe health tools around. Bicarbonate of Soda, Baking Soda, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarb, it's undoubtedly a great and versatile product for your everyday household needs.
  • BATH BOMBS: For most of our customers it's the other key ingredient for making bath bombs. Adding a bath bomb to your bath can make it a truly luxurious experience. The fizzing can add relaxing, exfoliating, moisturizing, cleansing or therapeutic elements. Give your bath bombs more pop, with the inclusion of our Sodium bicarbonate. The chemical reaction between water, sodium bicarbonate and the citric acid produces the fizz and bubbles when a finished bath bomb hits the water.
  • OTHER NAMES: Baking Soda, Bicarbonate of Soda, Bread Soda, Cooking Soda, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. Sodium Bicarbonate can be used in many ways and is a safe and natural alternative to today's cleaning chemicals. People apply sodium bicarbonate to the skin for chemical burns, dental plaque, earwax removal, eczema, insect bites or stings, infertility, inflammation in the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract, poison oak and poison ivy, itchy skin (pruritus), & scaly, itchy skin (psoriasis).
  • USE FOR COOKING: Anecdotal reports throughout history suggest that many civilisations used forms of baking soda when making bread and other foods that required rising. Sodium Bicarbonate is used for leavening baked goods that contain acidic ingredients. When mixed with an acid, Bicarb starts a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas, which then helps the rising process in baking. The acid reacts with the Sodium Bicarbonate releasing bubbles of carbon dioxide.
  • MULTI-USE & CLEANING: Sodium Bicarb can be used as an amazing multi-purpose to deal with all manner of tasks. It can help with anti-acid to treat indigestion or heartburn, food additive, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical Preparations, personal care, Mildew Removal, Stain Removal, refreshing a fridge, deep-cleans on pots and pans, deodorising upholstery and more.

(500g) Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda - 100% BP (Food Grade Description


Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda 100% BP(Food Grade) Great for Bath Bombs, Indegestion, Cleaning, Baking, Sports

Bicarb Of Soda - Sodium Bicarb - Baking Soda


Baking soda was popularised by Arm & Hammer more than 150 years ago, and while many are aware of its versatile qualities for cooking and household use, few people realise that baking soda also has potent medicinal properties. People take sodium bicarbonate by mouth for bowel cleansing, poor kidney function, indigestion, exercise performance, high potassium in the blood, reviving newborns, stomach ulcers, and urinary stones. In its natural form, baking soda is known as nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral natron. Natron, which contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, has been used since ancient times. For instance, the Egyptians used natron as a soap for cleansing purposes. 

Food Grade

E500 (ii) Sodium Bicarbonate. This is a Food Grade Product.

Chemical Analysis

Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 99.0 % min (99.87% typical)

Loss on Drying 0.25% max (<0.01% typical)

Ammonia NH4+ Passes test

Arsenic As 2 ppm max (<1 ppm typical)

Lead Pb 2 ppm max (<0.1ppm typical)

Mercury Hg 1 ppm max (<0.02ppm typical)


Retained on 125 micron sieve 10% max (by weight)

Average Median Particle Size 65 microns


Codes 7427258607653 (EAN)
Rank #13 Baking Soda
#15 Baking Powder & Raising Agents
#50 Home Baking

Product Images

(500g) Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda - 100% BP (Food Grade 1
(500g) Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda - 100% BP (Food Grade 2
(500g) Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda - 100% BP (Food Grade

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V. Ryan
Posted 07/10/2023
Great product.
I'm very happy with this product. I like that the packaging is informative, giving varies uses. Its food grade so good for cooking as well as cleaning.
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V. Ryan
Posted 07/10/2023
Product 1kg

Great product.

I'm very happy with this product. I like that the packaging is informative, giving varies uses. Its food grade so good for cooking as well as cleaning.
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