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Wall Mounted Locking Vertical Dropbox Mailbox - Safe and Secure (Large

By Yulli

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Wall Mounted Locking Vertical Dropbox Mailbox - Safe and Secure (Large Description

Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information such as your full name or social security number to commit fraud The identity thief can use your information to fraudulently apply for credit file taxes or get medical services These acts can damage your credit status and cost you time and money to restore your good name You may not know that you are the victim of ID theft until you experience a financial consequence (mystery bills credit collections denied loans) down the road from actions that the thief has taken with your stolen identity The Federal Trade commission estimates 400 000 Americans have had their mail and their identities stolen It is important to take preventative measures to NOT have your identity stolen so you will not have your credit destroyed Identity theft takes many years to undo and rectify This mailbox is made with 24 gauge galvanized sheet metal with a powdered finish to resist corrosion from weather In addition to the strong construction the design of the mailbox prevents theft by prohibiting hands from reaching inside The narrow opening still allows for larger mail and magazines so the mailbox is very convenient and practical caution: While this mailbox will deter common thefts this mailbox is not intended to store valuables Warning: It is important to note that it is not the responsibility of mail carriers to open mailboxes that are locked accept keys for this purpose or lock mailboxes after delivery of mail


Codes 0600074957707 (EAN)

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Wall Mounted Locking Vertical Dropbox Mailbox - Safe and Secure (Large


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