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Tamiya RC Cars

Gain full control with the Tamiya RC cars you’ll find in this category! Tamiya have used their model-making expertise to create brilliant electric powered miniature cars. You can shop dozens of designs of high-speed on-road RC cars and rugged off-roaders here, plus a spare remote control or two as well!

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Looking to buy Tamiya RC Cars?

Tamiya are most famous for their highly detailed miniature ship and vehicle kits. However, not all of their products are stationary! Tamiya started producing RC (or remote control) cars in 1976, beginning with a contemporary roadster and quickly branching out from there. Today they make a wide variety of vehicles, and our verified sellers have collected the very best into this category. Read on to find more about what you can expect from this venerable Japanese model company. 

On road versus off road

Tamiya RC cars can be roughly divided into two types of remote-control vehicle, on-road and off-road. We’ll begin with on-road Tamiya cars. This name can be a little deceptive (these cars aren’t going to roar down your local motorway, no matter how hard you try), but the principle is similar to fully sized road cars. 

These Tamiya RC cars will only run on smooth surfaces like pavement or tarmac, but their low, ground hugging frames and slim wheels means they’re super-fast and responsive at the (remote control’s) wheel. Many of the Tamiya on-road RC vehicles you’ll see in this category are based on popular race and sports cars from the last few decades. Carefully peruse our virtual shelves and you get the opportunity to drive a dream car!

While on-road Tamiya RC cars only drive on smooth surfaces, their off-road models are ready to tackle almost any terrain you can throw at them! These RC cars have fully functional off-road suspension systems, just like the dune buggies and four-wheel drive SUVs they’re modelled after. These machines are great for if you live near woods or a valley - your new RC ATV will quickly turn them into a mud-spattering, dirt throwing playground!

The Tamiya RC car controller

In addition to the actual Tamiya RC cars, you may see individually sold Tamiya RC controllers. These gadgets use a 3-channel radio control system to send instructions to the car. Without one of these controllers your RC car will sit immobile, so it’s a good idea to have a spare just in case yours breaks.

The Tamiya RC controller is built to be as ergonomic as possible, with a lightweight frame, a single, easy to move steering wheel and a trigger accelerator built into the controller’s pistol grip. As well as these basic controls, you can make minute adjustments to your vehicle’s handling thanks to the three dials on the controller’s left side panel. You can change your car’s steering profile, top acceleration and the responsiveness of either its brakes or reverse, depending on your set-up. This great machine makes it feel like you’re truly controlling your car.

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