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Siku Toys

Pick out the perfect Siku toy for your child from our extensive OnBuy selection of the popular manufacturer's model vehicles. With everything from classic cars and farming tractors, to construction tankers and stunning yacht model vehicles, you'll be able to expand or begin your very own Siku toy collection.

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Looking to buy Siku Toys?

A wonderful present for your child's birthday or even your own Siku toy collection, generations of Siku toys have been enjoyed by children and adults alike for decades. Detailed, robust and filled with multiple play functions, Siku toy models are brilliantly accurate and fun for the whole family! Whether you have an affinity for agriculture, sports cars or construction vehicles, there's a Siku toy that you're sure to love. 

Which Siku toy collections are suitable for children?

Featuring both die-cast and plastic model vehicles, Siku toys are wonderfully child-friendly thanks to their incredibly robust nature. If you're particularly concerned about your child breaking or damaging a Siku vehicle model, you'll be interested to know that the Siku Junior collection was specifically launched in 1988 for children and rough, outdoor play. 

Composed of larger, plastic trucks. construction vehicles and tractors (to name a few), your child can experience a limitless role-playing experience as they dig up dirt and move these sturdy Siku toys around the garden. While they are also smart, realistic and perfectly finished, they are first and foremost advertised as super-durable models for your little one to grasp and ignite their imagination!

What's the history behind Siku toys?

Since 1955 when the very first range of Siku vehicles were produced, their toy vehicles have been driven around playrooms, bedrooms and living rooms to the delight of children everywhere. Made from highly-durable plastic and metal components, Siku toys are designed to be gripped by little hands and last for as long as possible, even through rough play.

Since the first line of street cars and convertibles, Siku have diversified and branched out into aeroplanes, a Farmer Series and even a Super Classic collection packed with charming old-timer fire engines. One of the most recent series includes the Siku World selection launched in 2013, full of plastic buildings and street tiles that can be used in conjunction with their vehicles.

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