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Voltron Toys

Team up and fight back against the Galran Empire with Onbuy’s selection of Voltron toys! We’ve got incredible toys from every era of this long-running and extremely popular Japanese anime adaptation. You can pick up articulated action figures of the Voltron Lions and their crew, as well as combinable collectible toys that together form the massive Voltron suit!

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Looking to buy Voltron Toys?

Upon the release of the first series in 1984, Volton became one of the most popular, beloved and important children’s television shows of all time, and introduced a generation of children to the towering, super-powered robot suits of Japanese mecha anime. But you already know all that - it’s why you’re perusing the Voltron toys edit! We’ve got lots of fantastic action figures from all eras of the show that Voltron fans of all ages can enjoy. 

Voltron Legendary Defender toys

The latest incarnation of Voltron is the Voltron Legendary Defender series, and our virtual shelves are stuffed with Voltron toys from this version of the show. You can find action figures of every Voltron Lion, as well as the scary enemies they have to fight, like the fearsome Myzak, Robeast of the Galtan! 

All of these Voltron toys are articulated, with multiple positions to play with. Many of them can perform other actions too, like firing plasma ball missiles and laser beams to take down their foes! 

The most important ability that the Voltron Paladins can use in combat is combining their Lion robots together to form the mighty Voltron Suit, and some of the Voltron toys we have do just that! Look out for the Voltron lions that can be combined with others. Collect all five and your child can construct their own giant Mecha!

Of course, the Voltron robots wouldn’t work very well without their pilots, and in this collection you can pick up action figures of the show’s main characters as well. From brave Shiro to the sullen and aggressive Keith, all of the Paladins are present as Voltron toys!

As well as action figures and buildable toys, you can also find other kinds of Voltron toys among this edit. Your little one can swing around a small (and very blunt!) version of Voltron’s giant transforming sword or dress up as their favourite Paladin with a lion mask.

Classic Voltron toys

New Voltron paladins will head straight to our Voltron Legendary Defenders toy selection, but the old guard still remembers when the show was brand new, and we have some toys from the show’s original run. You can find heroes and villains from both seasons of the Voltron show on offer from our verified sellers.

Because the original Voltron show was adapted from Japanese anime, these Voltron toys double as collectible anime figures. If you’re looking for Beast King GOLion toys or Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV toys, you may find them here!

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