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Crayola Crayons

When it comes to classroom essentials, most people will wax lyrical on Crayola crayons - and with good reason. Their vibrant colours and non-toxic formulas have made them an essential addition to any child’s art box since 1885. Browse through OnBuy’s extensive selection of Crayola crayons and pick something up for your little one’s arts and crafts kit.

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Looking to buy Crayola Crayons?

No child’s arts and crafts sessions are complete without a box of Crayola crayons. Having made their way into the artwork and hearts of children since the early 1900s, Crayola crayons are a staple in many classrooms, art boxes and pencil cases ever since. Their bright colours and easy-to-use texture make them ideal for children of all ages and parents can rest easy in the knowledge that if their little rascal to takes a bite, no harm will come to them due to the non-toxic formula.

Who Can Use Crayola Crayons?

In short - anyone can! Crayola crayons have commonly been popular with children but are equally beloved by artists of all ages and plenty of adults also use or collect them. 

For youngsters, Crayola offers a wide selection of large-size crayons that are easy for small hands to grasp. Using crayons can help develop a child’s fine motor functions, help them express their creativity, and help develop their self-esteem through their artwork. It can help them develop good control and the thick lines and bright colours can encourage your little ones to colour inside the lines. They’re fun but can also help develop essential skills - what more could you ask for from the humble crayon?

Due to their non-toxic formula, Crayola crayons are also ideal for budding artists and art students alike as they can be used in all kinds of multi-media artwork without reacting to other mediums or damaging your piece of work. Use to add depth to illustrations, combine with gesso or acrylics, or use as a batik medium - the possibilities are endless! Did you know Crayola crayons also come in all kinds of different effects such as neon, glitter and even scented?

Adults who enjoy using any kind of adult colouring books, keeping an art journal, or getting creative with waxes and oils will find plenty to choose from here as well. Use to develop your artwork and create incredible artwork. As Crayola frequently changes out the colours they make, and the collectibility of the “retired” shades can be considered incredibly rare, a lot of adult Crayola crayon collectors love to collect these brightly-coloured boxes. 

It’s a no-brainer really that Crayola is the number one choice when it comes to arts and crafts supplies for school, home, and anywhere else. So, no matter what you or your family loves to create, rely on Crayola to help make your colourful mark on the world.

Customers love our best-selling Crayola Crayons

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