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Brass Door Knobs

You’ll feel bold as brass when you buy some of the brass door knobs in this category! We’ve got fantastic brass door knobs of every size and shape here. There are so many different reasons to go brass with your door knobs, from aesthetics to their antibacterial properties! Get shopping now!

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Looking to buy Brass Door Knobs?

The right touches can bring an abundance of style and charm into any home, helping everyone to feel more welcome. Many homeowners choose to enhance their doors with the help of brass door knobs, which are easy to use and quite beautiful to look at. The use of impressive designs is combined with top-grade materials, creating sturdy and reliable brass doors knobs that last for years. Here at OnBuy, it's easy to discover and pick up a generous selection of brass door knobs at great prices.

Brass is an alloy of zinc and copper. It's a fantastically beautiful metal that’s been in use by humans for decorations and jewellery for thousands of years. What better material to make door knobs from? We’ve got a grand selection of brass door knobs for you to fix to your doors.

Why should I choose brass door knobs?

Brass door knobs provide warmth, sophistication and elegance to any room thanks to their golden colour. Unless you’re absolutely overwhelmed with cash, buying solid gold door knobs is out of the realms of possibility for your budget. Thankfully, brass door knobs provide that wow factor at a fraction of the price that gold door knobs would cost. They look particularly fantastic against the cool tones of neutral-coloured kitchen cabinets and doors. If you’ve painted your doors grey, blue, white or any combinations of these colours then brass door knobs will look amazing.

Aesthetics are important, but there’s much more to brass door knobs than that! One reason brass is so popular in door knobs, and has been for a long time, is that brass is durable and resistant to corrosion. If you buy brass door knobs, they can last longer than the door they’re fixed into.

Another incredible and mostly unknown property of brass handles is their antimicrobial properties. Yes, it sounds strange, but scientists have proven that vicious disease-causing bugs don’t live as long on brass as other materials. E Coli, for example, lasts only a few hours on a brass door knob, whereas it can survive for weeks on one made out of steel. Nobody knows for certain why this is, but the leading theory at the moment is that traces of copper in the brass get absorbed into the microbe on contact. These copper particles react with the oxygen in the microbes cell to generate hydrogen peroxide, a powerful antiseptic bleaching agent.

Do all brass door knobs look the same?

Not at all! Thanks to our verified sellers, there are many different designs to choose from. You can grab brass door knobs with intricate patterns carved on them or ones that are perfectly plain. Some brass door knobs have angular polyhedral shapes (octagons are particularly popular) and others that have completely smooth round surfaces.

We even have different colours of brass door knobs! In the 1980s, bright brass fittings were all the range: Shiny and sparkling, these were the quintessential door knobs of that decadent decade. You can still pick these up if you like your door knobs shiny, but we have many attractive brushed brass door knobs that give a more understated, vintage look to your doors.

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