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Brio Model Trains

No Brio train set is complete without Brio trains to let loose on it! Modern Brio trains keep the chunky old-school design and magnetic couplers from the days of original wooden Brio train toys, but nowadays they also have lots of fun new designs and features - including battery operated motion! Which of our Brio trains is on the express line to your playtime today?

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Looking to buy Brio Model Trains?

Train sets are a timeless toy, and as far as OnBuy is concerned, Brio train sets are perhaps even more so. The wooden chunky design of Brio trains has become wonderfully distinctive, once seen in the corner of every toy shop and Early Learning Centre back in the day.

Nowadays, these fun push-along Brio toy trains often have a life of their own too, thanks to battery powered real movement. Yet they still keep so much of their old-school charm - and perhaps more importantly, they're all compatible with other Brio train sets. That means you can make your tracks sprawl out in all directions if you have the imagination, and populate those railways with plenty of Brio train toys besides!

Brio trains, just like the expanding Brio World they're part of, are becoming more and more clever all the time. Not only are there Brio train toys designed like modern trains, as well as the classic steam locomotives - but Brio Smart Tech is a whole new system, in which kids can learn how to set up arches that give their Brio trains orders to follow, thanks to smart technology.

Honk or whistle at this arch, reverse back at that arch, flash your lights at that other arch... it's a fun new world of Smart Tech combinations!

Who makes Brio trains?

Brio trains are made by the Brio company itself, which began life as a family business. In fact, the name comes from the fuller title, Broderna Ivarsson Osby. In other words, the company created by the Ivar brothers, in Osby, Sweden!

Got some other ingenious Swedish design in your home? Well, it's widely accepted that Ikea and Brio train sets are compatible with one another to a degree, and although the track pieces don't always fit together as snugly as you might like, you don't need to worry about making your Brio trains take journeys over Ikea train set tracks sometimes, if you have them indoors.

Of course, Brio train sets themselves are always compatible with one another, and have been designed this way for decades, so a lot of parents prefer to stick to Brio trains only, to make sure kids enjoy playtimes that aren't overcomplicated.

What age are Brio train sets suitable for?

Rather playfully, a lot of Brio toy trains have a manufacturer's recommendation on their product packaging that says Brio trains are suitable for ages 18 months to 99 years! Indeed, it's not exactly unheard of for Mummy or Daddy to start wheeling their kids' Brio trains around - even if the kids themselves have long since gone to bed.

It's OK. We won't tell anyone.

In all seriousness though, Brio trains are suitable for ages 18 months and up quite often - sometimes 3 years and up for those Brio train sets with smaller parts - because of how carefully they're made. Thanks to their smooth, blocky design, it's tricky for kids to accidentally hurt themselves playing with Brio toy trains, which is a big relief to many parents.

You'll find that Brio trains sets are often designed to grow with your kids, with different Brio toy trains suitable for different age ranges. While the expectation is that your kids will grow out of them after some years, modern Brio trains are designed to help encourage their imagination and desire to create big, complicated Brio train sets as they get older, limited only by their creativity and available pieces.

What wood are Brio toy trains made out of?

Most Brio toy trains are made out of beech, because it's a light-yet-solid wood that's going to last a long time over years of playing. Beech is also a relatively easy wood to cultivate, meaning that Beech trees can be easily replaced, so it's a more sustainable solution to making Brio trains and other handy bits and pieces.

The old-school push-along wooden Brio trains from years past are still with us, but so are more modern battery-operated versions that can chug around the tracks you create with their own power.

Add Brio Smart Tech to the mix and you've got some fantastic ways to play with your Brio train sets nowadays - and OnBuy has plenty of Brio toy trains to help you fill them with activity and fun! Get onboard and let's  make playtime special!

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