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BBQ Charcoal Briquettes

Every grilled feast deserves the best and what better way to fuel your appetite than with OnBuy's superb selection of charcoal? Bringing that tempting smoky aroma to your dishes, it's considered the king of BBQs for a reason! We have every type of charcoal for barbecues in this category, from perfectly formed cubes to loose, naturally occurring lumps of charcoal, all served up in tough, protective charcoal bags. Explore the full range today!

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Looking to buy BBQ Charcoal Briquettes?

A true staple of BBQs, it wouldn't be summer without the waft of charcoal filling the air and adding that delicious smokiness to your delicacies. Luckily for you, OnBuy's selection of barbecue charcoal is teeming with brilliant briquettes to bring out the grilling guru in you!

If you own a charcoal fuelled BBQ then you have no choice but to buy charcoal - otherwise your BBQ simply won't run correctly. Thanks to OnBuy's network of verified sellers, you have unparalleled access to top quality barbeque fuel from an assortment of top brands and lesser known cult hits.

Charcoal briquettes

Possibly the most popular type of charcoal for BBQs is the charcoal briquette. Made from leftover woods and sawdust created from the creation of lump charcoal, together with other ingredients including binders and accelerants to help the burn get started.

The biggest reason many home chefs choose charcoal briquettes is that they tend to be cheaper than the equivalent amount of lump charcoal, since their purity is lower. They also burn longer, which is helpful if you'll be grilling lots of food, or you're using a BBQ smoker to slow cook a brisket or other thick cut over the course of several hours. They tend to burn at a lower temperature, too, which makes them perfect for smoking.

You may also see briquettes for gas BBQ models advertised in this category. These aren't actually made from charcoal but are instead made from a type of porous rock that helps to evenly disturb the heat from your gas flames. They're often also called BBQ lava rocks because mostly they're made of volcanic rocks. Under no circumstances should you put real wood charcoal in a gas BBQ - you might cause a nasty fire!

Lump charcoal for BBQs

While charcoal briquettes may be popular, grilling enthusiasts may want to consider lump charcoal instead. These are made in an all natural process by slowly smouldering wood in a kiln so that oxygen can't get to it. It's this purity that has made lump charcoal so attractive to people who are really serious about their barbecuing.

Unlike briquettes, lump charcoal doesn't have any additives and the lumps are made from premium chunks of hardwood rather than the leftovers used to form briquettes. This means that the best lump charcoal will imbue your food with only the smoky aroma of the charcoal itself, and not the harsh chemical aftertaste that some easy light charcoal briquettes can have.

Customers love our best-selling BBQ Charcoal Briquettes

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