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BBQ Cleaners

It doesn't matter whether you gear up your grill once a year or if you're constantly flipping burgers, you'll want to keep your barbecue squeaky clean with this fabulous range of BBQ cleaners available at OnBuy! From a tough and abrasive grill cleaning brush to top BBQ degreasing spray from top household cleaning brands, we have the tools you need for a pristine grilling surface.

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Looking to buy BBQ Cleaners?

Grill looking a little worse for wear? Well, fret not! Our sellers have a whole range of grill cleaning products that'll dissolve grease marks and wipe away any traces of your last cookout. Here you'll find all the barbecue cleaning products and BBQ cleaning tools you could possibly need to get your barbecue looking brand new!

The best way to clean a BBQ

The best way to keep the surface of your BBQ grill sparkling is with two groups of products. First you'll need a tough grill cleaner brush to scrub away excess dirt and burnt remnants of BBQ feasts of yesterday. The other half is a potent BBQ cleaning spray or liquid. This is very similar to regular oven cleaner, and indeed sometimes you'll find combo oven and BBQ cleaner fluid designed for both.

The best way to clean a BBQ grill will depend on the type of grill you own. Cleaning a gas BBQ with stainless steel grates will be slightly different than cleaning a cast iron charcoal fuelled grill because an ordinary BBQ wire brush might scratch the stainless steel; you should also avoid using harsh chemicals. The best stainless steel cleaner in the UK and elsewhere is usually a mixture of ordinary soap and water, as well as using a non-scratch scourer. To make it easier, try to clean your gas BBQ while the grill is still quite warm.

BBQ cleaning products

Thanks to our verified sellers we have many brilliant products to create your own BBQ cleaning kit. The most vital part of your kit is the grill cleaning brush. We've already mentioned why you might want to avoid a BBQ wire brush if you want a stainless steel BBQ cleaner, but for cast iron and other types it's your best option.

A hardy BBQ brush tipped with steel wire wool will be able to scrape off just about any stain or burnt on bits of food. If you own a barbecue from one of the biggest brands, look out for a grill cleaner brush made by the same company, as they'll be made to clean the grill properly and harmlessly. For instance, if you've bought a Weber barbecue, buying a Weber BBQ cleaner will best the safest, best option.

As for BBQ cleaner chemicals, we have many powerful options for you to pick from here. They slice through grease and other muck with formulas that break up dirt or dissolve it, reducing the elbow grease required to scrub your grill clean with a BBQ brush. Additionally many BBQ cleaner chemicals have antimicrobial properties. Nasty stuff like bacteria can build up on a grill's surface if not cleaned properly, since they feed on trace foodstuffs. This will help to keep your grill surface hygienic as well as looking fresh. Common household cleaning brands like Cif and Mr Muscle have made grease cleaner products that are perfect for most grills.

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