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Bird Baths

Create a haven for birds to (literally!) flock to with OnBuy's impressive online selection of bird baths! Featuring everything from hanging bird baths to freestanding creations, you can shop a huge range of bird baths in a variety of finishes and materials to complement your outdoor space. With models from the likes of Kingfisher and Gardman to delve into, there's a blissful bounty of bird baths to explore right here!

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Looking to buy Bird Baths?

Provide a plentiful source of water for any feathered friends that decide to pay your outdoor area a visit with OnBuy's extensive online collection of bird baths. Offering a convenient and welcoming place for birds to rest, have a drink, or clean their feathers, they're an easy way to attract more wildlife to your backyard. Featuring models from manufacturers like vidaXL, Kingfisher, and Gardman, you'll be spoilt for choice! 

Find out more about OnBuy's bird bath range

In our vast online selection, you can discover a wide variety of bird baths to suit the size and shape of your garden. From hanging bird baths that can be easily installed on the side of garages, sheds, and even underneath trees, to impressive freestanding models that sit in the centre of your lawn, you won't be short on attractive options at OnBuy. You can also choose between traditional-style bird baths with a bronze effect finish or more modern alternatives constructed using an elegant metal frame and a glass plate for the bird bath itself.

Where should a bird bath be placed?

Where you should place a bird bath depends on the type you've purchased. Freestanding, traditional bird baths, for example, are often best placed in the middle of an open area to give birds a view of their surroundings before landing. As a result, they can check for the presence of predatory cats and other common garden creatures with ease - prior to taking a dip in your new garden feature. Hanging bird baths can often be easily suspended from hooks, brackets, or branches, so you're naturally more restricted when it comes to introducing this kind of bird bath to your garden.

Which type of bird bath do birds prefer?

When it comes to pleasing your feathered friends, you may want to avoid opting for bird baths that have a glazed or slippery surface, such as glass and ceramic bird baths. Cement and fiber-and-resin bird baths, on the other hand, both offer a fantastic option for creating a steady surface for birds to rest on, allowing any winged visitors a secure place to refresh themselves. To really encourage birds to choose your backyard, it's best to snap up a bird bath with a small and quiet motor or pump that can create water movement. Alternatively, a bird bath with a fountain feature would work just as well - and also make an attractive centrepiece in any outdoor space!

Frequently asked questions about bird baths

What kind of bird bath should I choose?

Concrete bird baths are probably the best choice. They're incredibly easy to clean, and are very durable. 

Which birds tend to use bird baths?

Numerous species love using bird baths. Once you've set up a feeder and added water, you're sure to see plenty of birds in your back garden. 

What is a bird bath used for?

Ultimately, they're used to enhance the wellbeing of birds. As well as using the contents for drinking and preening purposes, the water also helps to keep the bird's body cool, both on the inside and out. 

Should a bird bath be kept in the sun or shade?

It's probably best to keep your bird bath out of direct sunlight, so the water itself doesn't become too hot.

Popular Brands in Bird Baths

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