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If your boiler is broken or simply not performing like it used to, it may be time to replace it with something flashy and new. Here on OnBuy, our extensive selection of boilers has got you covered, so throw off those extra layers and blankets, and get ready to make your home cosy and warm once more! From energy-saving models to keep those bills at bay, to replacement heating systems to keep your home snug, we've got everything you need to combat those chilly months among our fantastic range of boilers.

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Looking to buy Boilers?

Boiler on the blink? There’s nothing worse – especially during the winter months! Although it may be the last thing you want to worry about, boilers are a pretty essential element to every home, and problems can’t be ignored. If your boiler is on its last legs, it may well be worth investing in a brand new model to keep you and your loved ones cosy and warm. Though it may seem like a pretty hefty investment now, newer boilers can actually help to save you money in the long run. Not only do they offer a warmer home, but they also have the additional benefit of cheaper bills and even a smaller carbon footprint. 

Luckily for you, here on OnBuy, we have a fantastic selection of boilers to help you battle the winter chill. From energy-saving induction boilers to electric central heating models and even a selection of handy replaceable parts, we’ve got everything you need to keep your home cosy and snug. Dive into our range now to find the best boiler for your home, needs and budget.

What do boilers do? 

A boiler is arguably the most important part of a central heating system. Typically found in the kitchen (though can also be installed in any room in your home), these small metal units produce a steady supply of hot water, which is pumped into radiators and taps to provide you with heating and hot water. There are three main types of boilers: combi boilers, conventional boilers and system boilers, all of which work slightly differently. 

How do combi boilers work? 

Combi boilers provide both heating and hot water to your home without the need for an additional tank. Instead of a tank, they feature two independent heat exchanges – one that connects to your radiators and one that provides hot water through your taps. These can be controlled via control valves, which operate in different directions depending on whether you need hot water or heating. Due to there being no additional tank, combi boilers are always on standby to provide hot water where’s needed on demand. 

Combi boilers are cost-effective and energy-efficient, as the water is heated as and when needed, rather than heated and stored in a cylinder. Also, as the hot water is delivered at mains pressure, you’re likely to get a far more powerful shower with a combi boiler without the need for a pump. 

How do conventional boilers work?

Conventional boilers, also known as heat-only boilers, are one of the most traditional forms of home heating. They need a cold water storage tank to feed the hot water cylinder, alongside a tank that maintains the water level of the central heating system. Typically, the cold water storage tank is found in the loft and is filled up with water from the mains supply. As long as there is sufficient hot water in the cylinder, you should be able to get hot water out of multiple taps at once. 

If you’re looking to replace your boiler and already have an older radiator system installed, your best bet would be to choose a conventional boiler. They're also a good option if you live in an area where water pressure is low. 

How do system boilers work?

Like a conventional boiler, system boilers provide heating and hot water via a hot water cylinder. Unlike conventional boilers, however, they don’t require an additional cold water storage tank. Essentially, they work in a very similar manner to conventional boilers but require fewer components, making them quicker and easier to install. As they don’t require a tank in the loft, system boilers are a good choice for homes with little to no loft space. 

System boilers are sealed pressurised systems that source cold water directly from the mains supply. Once the water is heated, it’s sent to the hot water cylinder where it’s stored or sent to radiators or taps when needed. They’re compatible with solar water heating systems, which can help to reduce energy bills over time, as well as offering additional environmental benefits.  

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