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Owned by UK-based parent company Tetrosyl, CarPlan has been selling top quality car cleaning and valeting products all across Britain and Europe since the 1960s. From the infamous CarPlan Tyre Slik keeping your tyres looking clean and brand new, to CarPlan De Icer helping you get a quick start on icy mornings, there are a multitude of different products for you to turn to no matter the task at hand.

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Looking to buy CarPlan?

What products does CarPlan offer?

If you’ve got a car and have ever cleaned it, considered washing it or even just walked down the car care aisle looking for a new air freshener, you will have seen CarPlan products lining the shelves - from shampoo to wax, start to finish, CarPlan offers a complete range of car cleaning products. 

The Devil Shine range features a wide variety of different cleaning products, applicators and air fresheners. Instantly recognisable by their eye-catching colours and incredible fragrance, every product in this range will seamlessly work together and you know that there won’t be any nasty reactions between the products, leaving streaks or marks in your paint job. 

CarPlan also offers an entire range of winter products. From screen wash that won’t freeze in the tank, to de icer to help unfreeze your wiper blades and windscreen in sub-zero temperatures, this super-cool range will help you to get a quick, early, and above all, safe start on frozen winter mornings. The range also features manual tools such as ice scrapers - everything you need to keep your cool!

Whether you’re a professional mechanic or just a hobbyist, CarPlan has an incredible range of workshop consumables designed to meticulously perform a variety of vital tasks such as cleaning parts, helping loosen seized or corroded parts, helping to prevent corrosion, and cleaning oily or greasy residues from hands. They’ve been designed to be used both by professionals and DIY enthusiasts so you can rest assured your car parts are in the best hands.

And who doesn’t love their vehicle to smell good? CarPlan offer a wide range of air fresheners to hang on your rearview mirror, indicator stick or wherever else you want to hang them. Whether you are a fan of the scent of sweet cherries, ocean breezes or retro ice-creams, you’ll be sure to find a fragrance you love. 

So, whether you are looking to add a wicked shine to your car, want to keep the interior smelling great, or need your windscreens to stay clean and free from frost, CarPlan has the product for you. 

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