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Petron was established in 1963 with the aim of helping people everywhere share their love of archery by creating top-notch archery equipment. Their range has something for everyone; no matter what skill level you're at, so browse OnBuy's bestselling selection today.

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Looking to buy Petron?

Petron have been making archery equipment in the UK for over fifty years. The world has changed a lot since the 60s, but Petron's passion for archery remains the same and so does their dedication to providing you with the tools you need to enjoy the sport. They offer products for people of every age and skill level; you'll even find something for the kids! 

Check out their Stealth range; it's aimed at teenagers aged 14 and above so you can get your teens into the sport with age-appropriate kit. The Stealth range has more power than the bows and arrows aimed at the little ones, but keeps the suction tip arrow so you don't risk broken windows while they're getting used to the sport! 

Protect yourself while you have fun with Petron's great protective gear! Try a Petron arm guard to keep your arm safe when the string snaps back, and ensure that your arrow goes where you want it to without catching on your clothes. Check out their arm guard that can be used by both left or right handed archers so you're covered no matter what.  

A vital accessory for any archer, new or seasoned, is a glove. Drawing your arrow can pose a serious risk to your fingers if they're not properly guarded; at first you'll just get blisters but over time you can end up with nerve damage. Safeguard against this with one of Petron's shooting gloves; designed to help you shoot smoothly while staying safe. 

Browse through OnBuy's extensive range of Petron archery equipment and don't forget to filter by price range to find something to suit you.

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