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A leading technology in hardware and streaming services combined, US-based company Roku has truly taken the world by storm since their successful introduction in May 2008. First developed in collaboration with Netflix, their tactile, convenient devices have been considered influential on the digital player market for over a decade, helping to popularise the concept of low-cost set-top boxes for over-the-top media consumption.

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Looking to buy Roku?

One of the world’s most popular streaming brands, Roku has over a decade of experience bringing quality, personalised media into your homes and living rooms. A more convenient and cost-effective way to enjoy all your favourite shows, movies, and music, their distinctive devices are simply plugged into your TV and connected to the internet and, as with any Roku product, the choice of what you watch and pay for is completely up to you. It really is that simple!

The history of Roku

Roku was founded by Anthony Wood in 2002, who had previously created ReplayTV (a digital video recorder company that commercially competed with Tivo). After this venture’s failure, Wood began working at Netflix, eventually designing an affiliated set-top box that would allow users to stream content directly to their TVs. The goal was to fashion an appliance with a small footprint that could be sold at a lower cost than traditional recorders and video game consoles, and initially it supported a top-of-the-range decoder supporting both standard and high definition formats, as well as an HDMI output, automatic software updates, and the addition of new channels.

By 2010, the multimedia giant had begun offering models with various other capabilities (including optical audio, dual-band Wi-Fi, and an updated remote), and eventually partnered with smart TV manufacturers to produce a sleek and sophisticated gadget with specific in-built Roku functionality. Today, it is globally recognised as one of the most successful streaming strategies, even winning the inaugural Emmy for Television Enhancement in 2015.

Why should I choose a Roku product?

Most importantly, Roku devices are incredibly easy to set up and use. Equipped with a simple remote as standard (not to mention powerful features like Roku Search, which makes finding all your favourite shows absolutely effortless), these convenient machines provide you with access to over 4,000 free and pre-paid-for channels. Not only is there a plethora of complimentary content, from Deezer to BBC Sports, there’s also a tonne of catch-up TV, popular music, and blockbuster movies available too, all at the touch of a button.

To set it up at home, simply power your Roku device, connect to the internet, and create your account… there really is nothing to it. Ideal as a gift (or a personal treat for yourself, of course), you’ll soon be able to establish a swanky new home cinema from the comfort of your very own sofa. Bypassing cable, broadcast, and satellite television platforms, it’s the streaming sensation that every home needs, so browse the OnBuy selection today!

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