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A leading light in masonry paint, the reliable Sandtex brand has been protecting buildings for over fifty years. Best known for their unbeatable performance and extensive range of colours, to suit every structure and style, this company is part of the well-established Crown family, one of the largest and most popular paint manufacturers in the UK.

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Looking to buy Sandtex?

One of the country’s most popular masonry paint brands, Sandtex has over fifty years’ experience creating shades with their inimitable microseal technology. Ensuring that surfaces are always dirt resistant, breathable, and waterproof, the paint’s unique formula offers perfect coverage and protection, keeping your interior and exteriors looking finished, flawless and fabulous. 

It’s not even restricted to walls and fences, either. Yes, features such as window ledges, door surrounds, and even humble gate posts can all be embellished to complete ‘the look’ of your home. Whether it’s country farmhouse chic vibes that tickle your fancy, or simple, understated tones that really complement your furnishings, there’s something for everyone in Sandtex’s extensive collection. Plus, with fifteen years durability proven as standard, there’s no better armour for your abode.

What is the history of Sandtex?

There may be several brands in the construction industry boasting a fifty year ancestry, but few claim to serve the very same purpose today as they did when first appearing on the nation’s shelves. Unlike many of their competitors, Sandtex has dependably stayed true to its origins, and continues to serve the same distinctive manufacturing needs as it did in 1961.

Formerly sold by the Cement Marketing Company Ltd (later to become Blue Circle Industries), Sandtex Matt and Textured were the two decorative finishes available in the system.

Over the decades, the business has simply gone from strength to strength, concluding in a state-of-the-art portfolio that’s benefited from extensive investment in research and development. This is why you’ll always find BBA accreditations and anti-carbonation certificates on all of their products and paint ware, which ensure every formulation includes the most durable, weather-resistant and long-lasting ingredients money can buy.

What makes Sandtex masonry paint so special?

It may sound simple, but masonry paint is very different to its conventional interior paints. Designed especially for use on exterior walls, including brick, stone, concrete, plaster, lime and cement render, and pebble dash, it has to perform to an even better standard than its internal alternatives. Adding a striking splash of colour to any of these surfaces (helping to transform your space from drab to undeniably fab), it serves to protect a property from weather, pollution, and general wear and tear.

Sandtex’s Ultra Smooth formula provides this ultimate defence with a flexible coating that fundamentally resists peeling, cracking, and unattractive flaking. It’s dirt-resistant properties maintain the finish’s aesthetic features, while simultaneously offering the benefit of rainproof performance in as little as one hour from application. Therefore, even if the weather is unreliable, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your masonry paint is not.

Meeting any exterior decorating requirement, it’s the creative companion you didn’t know you needed. Browse the OnBuy selection today to successfully safeguard your home for the future.

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