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Playing with Scalextric sets is electrifying! Scalextric cars are the most popular kind of model slot cars, and the huge OnBuy collection proves it. Featuring plenty of both analogue and traditional cars, sets and track pieces, you’ll be able to truly put your pedal to the metal!

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Looking to buy Scalextric?

Capturing the imaginations of junior and grown up racing fans for decades, the Scalextric brand is going strong over fifty years after it first hit the shelves. These brilliant model cars let you create an entire race track in your living room!

How do Scalextric cars work?

If you never had a Scalextric set as a child, let’s go over how they work. Scalextric are a brand of ‘slot cars’, little electric cars that power their motors through a groove in the plastic track. In traditional analogue slot car racing, players hold a simple controller in their hand with a trigger that switches the current on or off, causing the tiny car to accelerate or slow down. With a little practice you can pull off some impressive maneuvers, like careening around tight hairpin corners or even driving the car upside down in a loop-de-loop! 

Scalextric cars have changed as much as motoring has, with new technology being incorporated all the time. One massive change is the advert of digital Scalextric sets. One limitation with analogue slot car sets is that you can only control one car per lane, limiting the fun to two players. With digital Scalextric cars each car is tied to its own controller, letting you set up more complicated tracks. Crossover sections let you overtake your opponent, and up to six racers can compete for pole position.

The most common starting point for a Scalextric collection is the Scalextric sets, which contain everything you need to play. Once the basics are set up you can begin growing your track with new pieces, and vary up your garage with new Scalextric cars.

How many Scalextric cars are there?

In a word, lots! Originally created by a firm called Minimodels, the Scalextric brand is now owned by model train company Hornby. Hornby brings the same level of attention to detail to their Scalextric cars as their model trains, and there are a similarly wide range of cars, too!

If you’ve dreamed of owning a classic car you can own it in miniature! There are Scalextric cars from decades of motoring history, from nippy sports cars like the E-Type Jag to drag-racing American muscle cars like the Dodge Challenger. 

You can also pick up loving recreations of Formula One racing cars too. Each Formula One Scalextric car is based on a real team’s design. From legendary cars of competitions past like the Lotus 25, driven by Jack Brabham in the 1963 Monaco Grand Prix, to modern competitors like the Williams FW41 car that raced in the 2018 Formula One World Championship. Each of these cars has period accurate detailing and colour schemes. From the position of air intakes to the advertising decals of sponsors.

As well as classic cars from the racing world, Scalextric makes mini cars from beloved movies. Will you don a tuxedo and race 007’s Aston Martin DB5 or will you go back in time with the DMC Delorean from Back to the Future, complete with lightning rod and flux capacitor? The choice is yours!

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