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Stay in control with Thrustmaster products at OnBuy! This famous gaming peripherals brand makes some of the best joysticks, racing wheels and pro gaming controllers around. Using the finest materials and latest technologies, Thrustmaster brings games to life with unrivalled controller accuracies, features and lifelike heft. It doesn't matter which gaming system you play on, there's a Thrustmaster controller for you - explore the full range now!

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Looking to buy Thrustmaster?

Whether you're playing a flight simulator, a sports car racer or a championship fighting game, you'll need exceptional gaming controllers if you want the best experience. That's precisely where Thrustmaster comes in! This brilliant brand has been trusted by gamers for over 20 years to give them the edge in nail-biting dogfights and high-octane automobile races. Thrustmaster steering wheels and Thrustmaster joysticks are bywords in quality, and with this OnBuy selection you'll find out why.

Thrustmaster: Peripherals for every gamer

Thrustmaster made their name with legendary joysticks modelled after the controls of real fighting planes like the A10 'Warthog'. You can still buy these exceptional Thrustmaster HOTAS sticks today. These gaming accessories take your flight sim runs to the next level, with 55 customisable action buttons, realistic pitch and yaw control and much more. You can live out your Top Gun fantasies with these Thrustmaster joysticks.

While they started out making PC peripherals, these days you can buy accessories for every console. Some of their biggest contemporary sellers are their PS5 steering wheel products, including the Thrustmaster T150 and Thrustmaster T300 series. These great steering wheels include patented Force Feedback technology, which lets you feel every bump across the rack and the force of every turn. Many of these products can be used as a steering wheel for PC gaming, too - so you can experience the thrill of Thrustmaster steering wheels no matter which platform you use.

You can introduce that Thrustmaster quality to your other gaming genres too, thanks to their pro gaming controllers range. Thrustmaster controllers include the ESWAP series. These controllers have precision mechanical buttons and switches to help you hit fighting game combo attacks and line up bullseye shots in shooters. Plus, their controls are fully customisable, letting you tweak deadzones, remap controls and modify the sensitivity to play how you want to play. Explore all the Thrustmaster products available at OnBuy now by scrolling up the page!

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