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Canvas & Folding Wardrobes

Pick up a wardrobe that will go anywhere with you in this canvas and foldable wardrobes category from OnBuy! In this selection you’ll find fabric wardrobes in all sorts of colours. Inexpensive, compact, light and easy to assemble, these wardrobes make great choices no matter where you are - get shopping!

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Looking to buy Canvas & Folding Wardrobes?

Some of us are free spirits who get mighty fidgety if we have to stay in one place for a long time. You may adore bouncing from one rented house or apartment to another, but packing up your furniture is a headache you can live without, particularly furniture as large and essential as bedroom wardrobes. That’s where OnBuy’s canvas and foldable wardrobes come in!

What are canvas and foldable wardrobes?

Foldable wardrobes are great pieces of bedroom furniture. They let you organise all of your clothes in your bedroom just like a regular wardrobe. And, as their name suggests, when it comes time to move on, they can be rolled up into a tube or collapsed into a square at a moment’s notice.

Most of these wardrobes are made from fabric that’s simultaneously hard wearing while still being easy to fold or roll up. This gives them their other name, canvas wardrobes. Of course, even the sturdiest canvas won’t stay up by itself. That’s why all canvas wardrobes have a supporting frame made from metal, plastic or a combination of both. These skeletal frames can be disassembled rather easily, preserving the portable nature of your folding wardrobes.

Why should I choose a fabric wardrobe?

Even if you don’t move home regularly, there are plenty of reasons to choose foldable wardrobes over other types of bedroom wardrobes. The first reason is that they’re far cheaper than other kinds of wardrobe. When the price tag of even the cheapest wardrobes sits firmly within the three-figure mark, these bargain picks present an attractive offer.

One advantage to canvas wardrobes is that they’re a lot simpler to assemble than even the most basic flatpack wooden wardrobes. They rarely need screws and you’ll never need a drill bit - all the pieces are ready to fit together right away. Folding wardrobes weigh a lot less than other armoires, too. You can move them about your room, or even between rooms in your home, without any trouble. Canvas wardrobes are a perfect choice for people who love to switch up their bedroom layout, or for fastidious cleaners who like to vacuum under every piece of furniture!

Finally, many canvas and fabric wardrobes are great for bedrooms with little available space. They’re often fairly small themselves, and even better most have doors that roll up or zip open rather than swing outwards or across. If you need wardrobes for a particularly small bedroom, these humble canvas wardrobes could be your saving grace!

Canvas wardrobes FAQs

What should I do to make my canvas wardrobe look better?

While a canvas wardrobe is definitely practical, it may not always look the way you want it to look. Luckily, there are plenty of tricks you can take advantage of to make it look better. For example, choose a shade that matches your primary wardrobe, so it looks like a stunning set. Or, if you'd like to give your room more personality, perhaps choose a colourful one that'll make a statement. Also, don't forget to use additional boxes or organisers to keep all of your belongings, garments, and accessories neat and tidy!

Should I organise my clothes by colour?

When you choose to organise your closet by colour, you're making a great choice as it's an easy way to instantly know where a certain garment or accessory might be located. It looks a lot more organised and helps you to keep track of any colours you might be neglecting or wearing too much. In terms of outward appearance for any visitors, also looks a lot nicer (especially if you have an open wardrobe) and makes it easier for you to choose your outfit each and every day. What's not to like?

What's the ideal size of a wardrobe?

The average height of a wardrobe usually varies between 7-8 ft. If you choose something that is taller or shorter, it can affect the storage capacity or its ergonomic design.

What's the perfect height to hang clothes?

If you have clothes to hang, like skirts, blouses or folded pants, then you will need rods attached at 30 or 40-inches from the floor. Longer items of clothing such as dresses may need up to double this height. If you opt for double rails, place the top rod 80" to 82" up from the floor and then place the bottom rod at 40" up from the floor.

Is it more practical to hang T-shirts?

T-shirts are probably are better folded as, when hung, they can stretch out of shape. Pretty much anything that can stretch out, from sweaters to knits, to t-shirts and sweats should be folded. By folding them, you put less stress on the material.

Popular Brands in Canvas & Folding Wardrobes

Living And Home
Gr8 Home
Timber Art Design UK
Premier Housewares
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