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Computer Mouse Mats

Can’t get your mouse to move properly? It��s time to invest in a mousemat from the OnBuy category! In these pages you’ll find brilliant mouse mats for all PC users. We have colourful mouse mats to spice up your office, mouse mats with ergonomic wrist supports and special gaming mouse mats that help you play at your peak!

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Looking to buy Computer Mouse Mats?

To work efficiently on a desktop computer, a mouse mat is essential. You can risk going without, but once you’re stuck rubbing your mouse back and forth in a vain attempt to move your computer’s cursor, you’ll wish you had invested in one of the mouse mats from this OnBuy collection! With a number of sizes and designs available, you can rely on our verified sellers to provide the best mouse mats around!

Mouse mat designs

Mouse mats are a practical and essential computer peripheral, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun! We have plenty of sober black and grey mouse mats to choose from but if you want to bring a bit of colour to your PC workplace, you can choose from many creative mouse mat designs in this category. These designs range from solid colours from all over the spectrum to flags, sports team logos and even illustrations of cute animals!

A key feature that many of our mouse mats share is an ergonomic wrist rest. These bulbous braces give much needed support to your wrist as you scroll and click, ensuring your wrist is level for the best possible ergonomics. Using mouse mats with this kind of ergonomic support can be effective in preventing repetitive strain injury or reducing the symptoms of an existing condition.

Gaming mouse mats

When they buy a mouse mat, many people are only looking for a simple flat surface their mouse will work on, maybe with some extra padding to support their wrists and a few pretty colours. If you’re a gamer though, you see buying a mouse mat as an opportunity to improve your playstyle.

In this category, you’ll find a range of mouse mats for gaming. Designed by some of the hottest hardware and peripheral brands (we’re talking Razer, ASUS ROG, Corsair and more), these gaming mouse mats aren’t just an exercise in branding. They contain a range of features targeted towards a gamer’s needs.

Almost all mouse mats for gaming use optimised materials to create their surfaces. These include high quality cloth weaves, polycarbonate fibres and more. Whatever materials these mouse mats use, the result is the same. Your mouse wil glide across the surface without catching once, giving you precision control. Most of these gaming mouse mats are rubber backed, so they’ll grip to your desk and never budge a millimetre. 

In addition to these accuracy assistants, many of the mouse mats you’ll find in this category have bonus features too. Want to add an extra dimension of colour to your RGB set-up? Shop one of the gaming mouse mats with an RGB border. What to charge your wireless mouse as you play? You may find a mat with built-in Qi wireless induction charging plate. No matter your game of choice, we’re certain to have a mouse mat that will lead you to victory!

Customers love our best-selling Computer Mouse Mats

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