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Today’s laptops are great at delivering incredible portable performance, but if you’re looking for serious computing power, a quality desktop PC is simply unmatched. Cue OnBuy’s collection, brimming with must-have models and many a powerful desktop PC to suit your lifestyle - get set to be spoilt for choice…

Although computing power has grown and grown over the years, to the point where a mobile phone can be more sophisticated than a supercomputer from decades past, there’s still no beating the desktop computer for raw power. The benchmark by which other computers are tested, desktop PCs (or towers, as they’re sometimes called) offer unrivalled customizability and longevity for the tasks you need.

Read on for more information about why buying a desktop computer could be a good choice for you - especially with the wide range of brands available at OnBuy! You can check out desktop computers from the likes of Dell, HP, Apple Mac, Intel, Acer and ASUS. With so many trustworthy makes and models to delve into, what are you waiting for?

PCs versus laptops

We know what you might be thinking: Since laptops are so much lighter and more portable than the standard desktop PC, aren’t they better for the average user? The answer to that question is not always. While laptops are certainly more convenient than a desktop PC for many users, they come with their own set of problems.

One of them is heat management. Your computer gives off a surprising amount of heat when it’s active, and this can quite literally cook the components without effective heat management. Laptops don’t have room for large fans the way that PCs do. This means you have to be more careful about how long you use them for at a time to prevent overheating.

You can also do a lot more on a desktop computer than a laptop much of the time. While you can still edit documents, respond to emails and browse the internet on both, system intensive tasks like editing and rendering video, financial and scientific modelling, or even editing very large spreadsheets might be too much for a laptop to handle. With more computing power accessible, a desktop won’t grind to a halt in the middle of working. That’s to say nothing of playing video games. We’ve got an entire category dedicated to gaming PCs for PC gaming fans to explore.

Upgrading your desktop PC

Another benefit to desktop PCs compared to laptops is their customizability and upgrade potential. With care and just a little technological know-how, it’s a cinch to swap out old components for upgraded hardware yourself. All computer parts have a shelf-life, no matter how well looked after, and replacing parts piecemeal is often more affordable than buying a brand new laptop once a crucial component fails. For a great selection of PC hardware parts for desktop PCs, check out OnBuy’s computer components category.

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