Head & Face Protection

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Best selling in Face Shields & Visors

Best selling in Welding Helmets

Best selling in Hard Hats

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An essential for every site and job, head and face protection is something that can't be ignored! Find a helmet, hard hat, face shield or visor to fit you and you job comfortably - just 'head' on down the page to view OnBuy's range now!

General head and face protection

You don’t need to be in a specifically dangerous environment to benefit from using face protection. As recent events have shown, using one of the face visors and shields you can buy in this department can help to cut down on the transmission of various airborne diseases, when used in conjunction with other forms of PPE like medical face masks and hand sanitisers (both of which are available from OnBuy). This allows you to enter busy indoor areas like shops and concert halls while still acting responsibly and staying safe.

There are other uses for face visor beyond preventing infection, since they provide protection from all kinds of flying debris. If you’re an electrician, wearing a face visor while you work on potentially dangerous electrical circuits that may cause a spark - the visor will block any blown fuses or other bits from flying into your eyes.

You can also use face visors in the home. Many household cleaning products like drain cleaner or bleach can be very harmful for your eyes, often causing permanent damage from even a brief exposure. If you wear a face visor while washing or cleaning with these products you won’t have to worry about accidental splashes or spills landing on your face. Those are just two examples; there are a whole host of others!

We’ve also got plenty of hard hats to keep you safe from falling masonry. Made to strict safety certifications and available in a range of easy-to-spot colours, these are a great choice for any kind of building site or DIY projection where something might get dropped on your head!

Specialised head protection

So far we’ve spoken only about head protection that a variety of people can use, but now let’s look at one type of face protection that’s highly specialised: welding helmets. Welding’s a difficult and dangerous job, but you can dramatically reduce your personal risk when you use one of these helmets. These ultra-tough helmets are made from steel, fibreglass or other similarly resilient materials. They provide full-face protection from electrical sparks, droplets of liquid metal and other hazardous debris. They also keep your eyes safe from the other big hazard of welding: retina-scorching bright light. All of the welding helmets you’ll see in this department offer protection against light, with some models including a series of arc sensors that monitor light levels and adjust the opacity of your helmet’s visor in real time - like the world’s coolest pair of sunglasses!

So when it comes to protecting yourself, use your head! Explore the fantastic deals on offer in the OnBuy head and face protection department!

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