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Create a special exhibition depicting the biblical story of Christmas, according to the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, and add a traditional feel to your decorations with a festive nativity set from OnBuy. From traditional wooden nativity decorations to modern, minimalistic porcelain designs, individual purchases, fully-loaded sets and more, we have everything you need to add that special touch to your Christmas decorations this year. 

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Looking to buy Nativity?

Create a stunning exhibition depicting the traditional Christmas story as told by the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, and fill your home with the joyful message of the birth of Jesus with a nativity set from OnBuy. From fully-loaded sets representing the stable, Holy family, Three Wise Men, shepherds, Angels and stable animals to individually sold accessories to expand your display, we have everything you could ever need to add that special festive touch to your home this Christmas. With some nativity decorations to hand, you can bring the meaning of the biblical story of Christmas to life, so dive through our range now and discover the perfect set for you! 

How do I arrange my nativity set? 

Traditionally the nativity scene is set up after the Sunday before Advent, kickstarting the countdown to Christmas with joyful anticipation. The nativity figures can then be added to the display gradually as they appeared in the Bible or arranged together at the same time. Adding each figure one-by-one is a great way of heightening the excitement of the Christmas period, with every addition symbolising one day closer to the big day itself, while setting the scene up all at once means that you and your family can enjoy the whole nativity scene for longer. So, in terms of how you should set up your nativity scene, there really is no right or wrong answer - the choice is entirely yours! 

Similarly, the positioning of the figures are also open to interpretation. Usually, the Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph are found in the centre of the scene, with the wise men, Angels, shepherds and animals sporadically gathered around. Let your creativity run wild and set the perfect scene for you!

What do Christmas nativity sets symbolise?

In short, nativity decorations represent the biblical Christmas story according to the Gospel of Luke and Matthew. The Gospel tells the story of the birth of the Baby Jesus, including the story of Angel Gabriel who appeared before the shepherds on Christmas Eve to announce the birth of Jesus and guide them to the new King by following the star of Bethlehem. This is why the star above the roof of the stable is one of the most essential parts of a nativity scene – acting as a symbol of the joyful message of the birth of Jesus being announced to the whole world. 

The most important part of the nativity scene is the Baby Jesus in the manger. Some Christmas nativity sets portray the manger with the Baby Jesus in a cave or a tent – this symbolises the humble accommodation of the Holy family as they were turned away from all the inns. The stable animals, namely the ox and the donkey, are often featured in nativity sets despite not being mentioned in the Bible, which is another nod to the Baby Jesus’ simple and poor origins. 

In early illustrations, the three wise men, Caspar, Melchior and Belthasar, represented the three continents known in early Christianity: Europe, Africa and Asia. Though the names and amount of wise men aren’t actually mentioned in the Bible, noted only as “wise men from the East”, the legend of the Three Wise Men has been a widely recognised and accepted feature in the biblical story for years. 

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