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Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Chemicals

Shopping for chemicals for your pool or tub can be confusing (especially if you're a new owner!) but there's no need to worry: OnBuy's chemical collection has all the essentials! Boasting an array of basics for regular maintenance alongside speciality solutions for specific problems, we've got all you need for well-cared for water.

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Looking to buy Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Chemicals?

Unfortunately, owning a pool or hot tub is not all about sunning yourself poolside or having long, relaxing soaks (although that'd be ideal!) - but there's no need to fret: OnBuy's collection of pool and hot tub chemicals is home to all you need to master your water maintenance. Result! 

The hot tub and pool water balancing chemicals on our shelves range from pH increasers and pH decreasers that'll ensure your water doesn't irritate your eyes or skin. Top tip: pair with the alkalinity increasers found amongst the pool and hot tub chemicals - this will help it stay balanced! 

Calcium hardness sounds like an odd thing to worry about in pool or hot tub water, but if your levels are off the water can eat away at the plaster or corrode the inside of your pool or tub - so stocking up on calcium hardness increasers will help you and your haven in the long run! 

Not forgetting about the range of hot tub and swimming pool water cleaning chemicals! Showcasing no-fuss chlorine tablets alongside liquid and powder chlorine for controlled dosing, we've even got bromine tablets for those with indoor pools or chlorine sensitivities.

After perusing the comprehensive collection of pool and spa chemicals on offer here, we're sure you'll agree there's no better place to buy pool chemicals than OnBuy. Who knew shopping for hot tub and swimming pool chemicals online could be so simple? Thank us later! 

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