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PTFE tape is a must have for all kinds of professionals, and you'll find a great range at OnBuy! There are so many uses for flexible and strong plumbers tape! Whether you’re lubricating the joint in a radiator valve or connecting up a new stove to a gas pipeline, our sellers’ collection of thread tape and gas tape will stay tight and prevent leaks - so explore it now!

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Looking to buy PTFE Tape?

Seal up and chill out with the professional quality pipe tape available in this OnBuy category! PTFE is a highly flexible polymer that’s used as a component in everything from non-stick pans to lubricants for instruments. It’s super flexible, strong and waterproof, as well as being highly resistant to electricity, heat and chemical reactions - in other words, it’s the perfect material to use in high grade plumbers tape!

In this category you’ll find a wide array of different PTFE tape to create a tight-fitting seal around the threads of your pipeworks. Our sellers can provide you with plenty of the standard white thread tape, which can act as a low friction lubricant for your pipe joints. Use it on compression joints, radiator valves, taps and all manner of other fittings!

One of the beautiful things about PTFE tape is its extreme versatility. The number of application related titles that is known by - pipe tape, thread tape, gas tape - indicates how many uses it has. That means ‘plumbers tape’ isn’t just for folks who fix leaky water pipes but all kinds of professionals. If you need something sealed up with tape, look no further!

If you want to use PTFE tape to seal up a gas pipe, make sure you find a roll of thicker tape that’s properly rated for use with gas pipes. That’s because normal plumber’s tape is too thin and porous to stop gas escaping. One tip is to look out for the right colour - gas tape is typically coloured yellow to differentiate it from less sturdy forms of tape.

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