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Birdhouses & Nesting Boxes

Become an avian property developer with this amazing OnBuy category of bird houses! From pretty decorative bird houses to plain and functional wooden bird houses, this collection of garden bird houses (also known as nesting boxes) feature brilliant attractions for your feathered friends!

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Looking to buy Birdhouses & Nesting Boxes?

Regardless of whether you want wild birds to roost in your garden or you want to take care of a flock of pet poultry, this grand collection of bird houses will suit you well. Chock-full with all kinds of birdhouse styles, sizes, and materials, you certainly won't be short on both attractive and practical options at OnBuy.

Bird houses for the garden

Most of the bird houses you’ll see in this category are made for the garden. Many of these small wooden bird houses are quite similar to human houses. They have four walls and have angled roofs to stop rain or snow from crushing down on them. But instead of a door these bird houses have a small round opening at the centre. These sorts of garden bird houses are suitable for a range of common wild birds from all over the world. These can include sparrows, starlings, robins and woodpeckers. Some exceptionally large bird houses make a fine home for owls, ravens and other large wild birds.

Some of the garden bird houses you see here will depart from the traditional design into something creative. These are decorative bird houses, and they’re just as much a garden ornament as they are a bird house. Some decorative bird houses keep the four-wall design of normal wooden bird houses but are just painted a beautiful colour. Others are intricate carvings meant to resemble a birds nest or a man’s face. If you want to introduce wildlife into your garden while giving your guests something to look at, these items are the perfect choice.

Practical nesting boxes

While pretty garden birdhouses will appeal to gardeners, if you’re a professional bird rearer then these sorts of decorative bird houses aren’t for you. Instead you should look for some of the practical boxes we have in this category.

These wooden nesting boxes are larger than many bird houses, big enough to fit common farm birds like chickens or ducks inside them. They’re also not fully enclosed. Some have panels missing while others are lacking roofs entirely! This allows poultry to come and go easily, and also provides extra space for a clutch of eggs in the future. However they don’t provide full protection from the elements, so make sure to store these wooden bird boxes in one of the poultry coops also available at OnBuy!

Birdhouses and nesting boxes FAQs

What is the best wood for making a birdhouse?

Cedar resists rot reasonably well and will last for a long while if left out in the sun and rain. Therefore, this type of wood is ideal for making birdhouses. Plus, it also looks good as well! However, it's not the cheapest option, but considering the long-lasting nature of cedar wood, the investment can pay off in the long run.

Can I make a birdhouse using online resources?

Yes, but be careful: many birdhouse plans are for houses that are more decorative than functional. However, regardless of what your plan indicates, do not put a perch on the front of your birdhouse. These perches are not needed by the nesting birds and serve only to give predators better access to the eggs and chicks in the nest.

Should birdhouses have a perch?

No, they shouldn't. A cavity-nesting bird, which is the kind that will nest in a birdhouse in the first place, does not need one when entering or leaving the nest, but predators find perches very convenient when climbing or slithering into the birdhouse to eat the eggs or nestlings. Leave the perch off, and if mounting the birdhouse on a pole, be sure to add a baffle to block predators from entering it.

Which direction should a bird nesting box face?

The hole should be positioned away from the prevailing winds. Usually, they should face east, but if you get a lot of bad weather from the east, then try to postion the nest box to face north/north east.

How can you encourage birds to use a nest box?

Nest boxes don't attract birds to your yard, but they can provide a place for them to nest and return to year after year. What attracts the birds to your yard is the food source that they need to raise young. In any location, birds that require a cavity to nest in will appreciate a nest box that's near to bird feeders and away from potential predators. So, your best bet is to learn about the cavity-nesting birds that live in your area and set up nest boxes in the right place for those birds.

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