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Radiator Drying Racks

Need some extra drying space? A set of radiator drying racks is just what you need! These racks have hooks that fit right over your radiator, putting your clothes so close that they'll be dry in next to no time! Thanks to our amazing sellers, we have a selection of five-bar and two-bar drying racks to explore, with options for every household! Explore the category today to find one that's perfect for you!

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Looking to buy Radiator Drying Racks?

A clothes airer is the low-cost, low-energy way to dry your clothes all year round - but that usefulness means they can fill up quickly! If, after you've loaded up your airer, you find that you've still got some socks, underwear and other small articles of clothing at the bottom of your washing basket, a radiator drying rack is precisely what you need!

These small drying racks are like one wing of an X winged airer with a pair of hooks on top. These hooks are made from either metal or a durable, heat-resistant plastic, so they can be hung on the back of a standard square radiator. This puts your clothes extremely close to the radiator, meaning that they'll dry faster than normal. That means you can dry those small articles of clothing you can't go without in no time at all.

Different types of radiator drying racks

Since these racks are so simple, there isn't a massive variety of different designs out there. However, there is some choice. For example, many of the drying racks you'll see here have five rack bars in their frame, while others have just two. The five-bar racks tend to be thinner, because they need to fit into a similar space. They're still excellent for drying small, light items like socks and t-shirts, but if you want to dry heavier, thicker items like towels you're better off with a two-bar rack.

Even the best set of radiator drying racks won't be able to dry all of your clothes at once. But don't worry: our awesome selection of clothes airers will ensure that all your items will dry in time.

Customers love our best-selling Radiator Drying Racks

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