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Most Popular in Scars & Stretchmarks Remedies

Description & Details

CONTRACTUBEX Gel 50g Description

Contractubex is a highly effective treatment for all scar types. It actively promotes the healing process of the skin and reduces scarring from within.

The scar gel with the triple effect:

  • Prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue

  • Reduces redness, itching and the feeling of tension

  • Makes the scar smoother and improves elasticity

For best possible results, start treatment as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches are removed. This ensures that your scar will become so fine that you will hardly see or feel it.

Contractubex can be used after:

  • abrasions, cuts or lacerations

  • operations

  • burns or scalds

  • laser treatments (e.g. tattoo removal)

Contractubex contains three complementary active ingredients:

1. Extractum cepae - has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties and prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue.

2. Heparin - softens the tissue structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, supports cell and tissue regeneration and is able to bind water to the scar tissue.

3. Allantoin - encourages wound healing and has a softening effect, promotes penetration through the skin and relieves the itching often associated with scar formation.

Contractubex has proved highly effective in treating scars for many years. The results that can be achieved are well worth the patience the treatment requires: a nearly invisible scar.

Product Information:
Contractubex Composition: 100 g gel contains: 10.0 g Extr. cepae, 5000 IU heparin sodium, 1.0 g allantoin. Indications: Hypertrophic and keloidal scars, movement-restricting and cosmetically disfiguring scars after operations, amputations, burns, and accidents; contractures such as Dupuytren's contracture and traumatic tendon contractures; cicatricial strictures. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to parabens. Side effects: Very rare skin reactions. Mode of action: Contractubex exerts an antiproliferative, antiinflammatory, softening, and smoothing action on proliferating scar tissue. Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Contractubex should be gently massaged into the skin several times a day until all the gel has been absorbed. In the case of hardened older scars, it may be necessary to cover the treated area with a dressing overnight. Interactions: None known.


Codes 5078987614546 (EAN)
Rank #13 Scars & Stretchmarks Remedies
#290 Medication
#409 Medication & Remedies

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