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Estee Lauder New Dimension Eye Shape Sculpt Kit


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Description & Details


  • Estee Lauder New Dimension Shape & Sculpt Eye Kit
  • expert all-in-one contouring trio will give you brighter, bigger and more defined eyes.
  • Prepare and prime your eyes with the creamy formula
  • crème highlighter to brighten shadows. Finally, use the powder contour to give more dimension.
  • Wear alone or under eye make up.

Estee Lauder New Dimension Eye Shape Sculpt Kit Description

Estee Lauder New Dimension Shape & Sculpt Eye Kit

With everything you need to add depth and dimension to your eyes, this expert all-in-one contouring trio will give you brighter, bigger and more defined eyes.

Prepare and prime your eyes with the creamy formula, then use the crème highlighter to brighten shadows. Finally, use the powder contour to give more dimension.

Wear alone or under eye make up.


  • Colour: Cream, Brown


Codes 0887167199507 (EAN)
887167199507 (UPC)
Links Estee Lauder Makeup
Estee Lauder Eyeshadow

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Estee Lauder New Dimension Eye Shape Sculpt Kit

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