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Kidde Smoke Alarms

Producing premium and reliable fire safety devices for over 100 years, you can rest assured you're investing in the finest-quality smoke detection systems when you shop with Kidde. Here at OnBuy, we have a huge selection of Kidde smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, from battery-operated devices all the way to mains-fitted systems. So, whatever your home or needs may be, you're sure to find the perfect home safety device to keep your family protected from our extensive Kidde smoke alarm shop. 

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Looking to buy Kidde Smoke Alarms?

Walter Kidde founded the Walter Kidde Company way back in 1917, producing the first integrated smoke detection and carbon dioxide extinguishing system for use onboard ships. Since then, the company has grown from strength to strength, and you can now find Kidde smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in many homes and businesses around the world. With over 100 years of history leadership, fortified with a commitment to making the world a safer place, you can be sure that you’re investing in the best quality goods when you shop with Kidde. 

Here at OnBuy, we understand the importance of protecting your family should the worst ever happen and that’s one of the reasons why we stock an incredible selection of Kidde smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detection systems on our virtual shelves. Whether you’re looking for a mains-operated device so you don’t have to worry about changing batteries or you’re looking for a quick-and-easy battery-operated device that you can install in seconds, we’ve got you covered! 

When investing in a smoke detection system, durability and reliability is a must. So, when considering purchasing a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector for your home, look no further than Kidde! Shop our online Kidde smoke alarm shop and rest easy knowing your family are in safe hands.

A smoke detection system for every home

If you’re in a rented property or temporary accommodation, it may be difficult to get permission to fit a mains operated smoke detection device from your landlord, plus you may feel loathed to fit one if you know you won’t be there long! Thanks to OnBuy’s collection of convenient battery-operated Kidde smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, you can keep your family protected without having to fork out for an electrician to pop round, perfect! 

Ideal for flexibility, these handy smoke detection systems take seconds to mount onto your ceiling or wall without having to go through the hassle of connecting up wires. Designed to provide superior safety, from sounding a loud alarm when smoke is detected to a low battery warning, you can install and use these smoke alarms with confidence. Choose from our range of single Kidde smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors or get your hands on one of the ultra-handy 2-in-1 smoke and carbon monoxide systems, ideal for smaller properties without much available wall space. 

If you’re looking for a permanent fire safety device, look no further than one of the mains-operated Kidde smoke alarms and/or carbon monoxide systems. Providing the best in quality and reliability, you can be assured that you’re in safe hands when you opt for one of these models. 

Designed for easy installation and maintenance, and fortified with back-up cells to keep you protected even in the event of a mains failure, you can keep your family in the safest hands for years to come.

What are Kidde smoke alarms and how do they work?

Kidde smoke alarms are devices designed to detect smoke and warn occupants of a potential fire. They use either ionization or photoelectric sensors to detect smoke particles in the air. Ionization alarms are better for detecting fast-burning fires, while photoelectric alarms are better for detecting smoldering fires. When smoke is detected, the alarm emits a loud, audible alarm sound to alert occupants to the potential danger.

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