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Ridgid Tools

Some people invent to change the world, Ridgid invent to help out those who built it. If you have any kind of DIY or home improvement project you need to do, Ridgid tools are the perfect way to get the job done. With their heavy-duty ad rugged design, these tools look as good as they perform. Have a browse through OnBuy’s selection of Dewalt tools and get the job done no matter what it may be.

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Looking to buy Ridgid Tools?

Packed with innovation and incredible durability, Ridgid tools have raised the bar for tool performance to new levels. With almost 100 years of experience and product expertise, OnBuy's selection of Ridgid tools deliver ingenious design with superior performance.

How To Choose Your Ridgid Tools

Ridgid pride themselves on being rugged and durable - helping you to change someone’s world. Whether you are a DIY-er or a professional carpenter, decorator, or builder, Ridgid understands that their customers have high expectations when it comes to the quality, longevity and performance of their tools. Therefore, you can expect whatever Ridgid tool you choose to exceed your expectations as they meet all of your needs at an excellent price point. You can count on Ridgid to get the job done. 

To choose the right tool for you, you need to make sure its purpose matches the job you are doing - you can’t use a chisel for a job that a utility knife will do after all. But whatever you choose, the handles of all Ridgid tools are ergonomically designed so they won’t rub or make your hands ache, enabling you to work better for longer and reducing the risk of sprains or other injuries. 

For painting and decorating your home, Ridgid offers all kinds of tools including the piece of hardware they are famous for - the pipe wrench. Use a spirit level to make sure shelves, walls, and floors are super level and pick up a pipe cutter to make sure pieces of piping are cut to the right length. Doing any cutting, drilling, or slicing of materials? Pick up the perfect drill bit, circular saw blade or hand saw depending what you need to cut. You can find circular saw blades for cutting aluminium, laminate, wood, and even cement!

From screwdriver parts to saw blades, and from drill bits to pipe cutters, Ridgid is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to do up your home, add to your toolkit, or do an amazing job for a client. Whatever the job, OnBuy’s edit of Ridgid tools has the exact item you need.

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