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Bing Toys

Breezy, easy days spent in the sunshine with Bing and his buddies will leap from the screen into your living room with OnBuy's range of Bing toys! Bing, Flop, Sula and more are all ready to help your child learn about the everyday - or cuddle up at night with a Bing plush toy.

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Looking to buy Bing Toys?

When it comes to wholesome preschool TV programmes, they don't come much more lovable than Bing. Here at OnBuy, we've definitely got a soft spot for the little bunny in his fancy tartan romper suit, as well as his fluffy friends and the ever-amusing Flop. And of course, these all make for wonderful Bing toys and Bing plushies to share with your little ones!

Bing's adventures focus on the everyday, helping infants and very young children to recognise and appreciate the world around them. Building on that theme, Bing toys are also often ones which help to broaden the imagination without getting too outlandish.

Bing toys like figurines and Bing playsets help kids understand values like friendship and cooperation, while Bing stuffed toys help to bring their favourite characters closer to home for cuddles and bedtime peace.

Bing toys also have an educational side too, helping kids learn to tell the time or creating puzzles to be solved. It's wonderfully varied stuff, and the best Bing toys will help kids grow their reasoning skills and self confidence while also encouraging kindness and family values too.

What age are Bing toys for?

A big clue to what age Bing toys are best for comes from the TV programme itself, in which Bing is a three-year-old child bunny. The TV programme was designed for preschoolers, so kids from toddlers to around four or five years old tend to enjoy Bing toys the most.

Exceptions will always be around, of course, as every child is unique - but what's great is that there's a warmth and kindness to Bing toys, as well as a cheeky sense of fun, that perfectly matches the Bing animated series itself.

A big part of why Bing was made was to help kids and adults understand their lives together from one another's perspectives, in a way - it's why the storylines of Bing are often very down-to-earth, slice-of-life stories.

What kind of animal is Flop?

One mystery a lot of people like to chew over is that Bing's often accompanied by Flop in the TV series - and as you can see from OnBuy's selection, Bing toys often feature Flop as well!

Flop is a guiding figure for Bing, helping him make amends for any mischief the little bunny gets into that might go too far. Bing appears to be a stuffed bunny toy of sorts, yet speaks to Bing directly from a position of kind authority - leading some viewers to interpret Flop as a mascot toy being spoken through by an adult to Bing to help him understand his world.

Others think of Flop as a magical creature or guardian of some kind, but we know one thing for sure - he's just adorable! No collection of Bing toys is complete without Flop, so it's a good job he's so easy to find among our collection - with plenty of favourites besides!

Customers love our best-selling Bing Toys

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