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Britains Toys

As Europe’s oldest specialist in agricultural toys and collectibles, Britains toys combines manufacturing excellence with their decades of experience to dish out die-cast farm models such as tractors, vehicles, accessories, and even radio-controlled models that are sure to delight any model or agricultural collector. Also suitable for children as young as three years old, building their own farm has never been so much!

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Looking to buy Britains Toys?

Amass a farm and agricultural model collection that any farmer would be proud of with a helping hand from Britains toys. A reliable and well-known manufacturer of agricultural toys and collectibles, they create both plastic and die-cast models designed to be played with by children and lovingly displayed by adults. 

From the more high-tech radio-controlled vehicles, to the classic die-cast models and child-friendly plastic playsets, no matter your age or interest, Britains toys are packed with farm models that you won't be able to resist getting your hands on!

Which age range are Britains toys suitable for?

Perfectly suitable for children as young as three years old, Britains toys includes a fantastic Farm Building Set that makes a wonderful gift for any country soul or budding little farmer! Featuring a farm building, four Fresian cows, two pairs of chickens, a farming family, their reliable farm dog, and even a big pile of bales to boot, this kit is all any kid needs! This set is not only a great way to ignite their imagination and kick off the agricultural collection, but it can also be used with all the 1:32 scale authentic replica plastic farm vehicles, figures and accessories. 

What's the history behind Britains toys?

As a leading manufacturer in die-cast models, Britains toys has become well-known in the world of high-quality models since it began making toy figures over a century ago in 1907. These figures were manufactured with a standard height of 54-millimetres (a scale of 1:32) which is the same scale used to this very day to create a host of Britains' farm and agricultural toys and equipment. 

In 1921, the globally-recognised Britains Model Home Farm was launched just before the highly-anticipated Christmas period which was made up of 30 farm figures and animals alongside the very first farm vehicle, the ‘4F’ Tumbrel Cart. Britains toys were only added to this extensive range over the following years, expanding the collection as it branched into new animals in various positions and ages. 

When it comes to the sought-after Britains toy vehicles, the first tractor introduced by Britains was the 127F/128F Fordson Major. Launched in 1948, you could opt for either metal or rubber wheels and it signalled the beginning of Britains exciting journey into the manufacturing of even more farm-based and agricultural-themed vehicles. As the decades have rolled on, their selection of farm toys has only flourished and now boasts an incredible range of agricultural toys and die-cast collectibles that are sure to capture the imagination of both adults and children alike.

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