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Star Wars Toys

You won’t have to look far, far away to find great Star Wars toys - OnBuy’s collection is strong with the force! You’ll find action figures and playsets from every era of the Skywalker saga, plus wearable toys and your very own lightsaber! So search your feelings and this collection for top fun!

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Looking to buy Star Wars Toys?

When the first Star Wars film was released in 1977, the original line-up of action figures made by Kenner Toys hadn’t been released - the company had to issue gift coupons instead! This isn’t a problem that OnBuy has, in fact this Star Wars toys edit is packed with amazing and incredible toys that are sure to excite any young padawan! 

Star Wars action figures and playsets

The first thing on the must-haves list of any young Star Wars fan is a collection of Star Wars action figures! Whether your little one wants figures of classic characters from the original trilogy, the prequels from the early 2000s or the latest Disney-produced films, the range from OnBuy’s verified sellers will not disappoint! 

Our range of Star Wars toys is so expansive that you’re not limited to shopping main heroes. Yes, you can pick up action figures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Amidala, Han Solo, Ray, Finn and Qui Gon Jinn, but you can also find minor characters like Wicket W. Warrick, Mon Mothma, the Gonk Droid and Maz Katana. 

You must also witness the power of the Dark Side of the Force in this edit! Our selection of Star Wars villain toys is just as wide-ranging as our heroes, with picks from all over the galaxy! Your child can play with every Sith lord, from Darth Vader to Darth Maul, as well as force-less villains like Boba Fett, assassin droid IG88 and Director Krennic. Plus our special star can command a cadre of imperial stormtroopers, including snow, fire and forest troopers. 

Once your child has their characters, they’ll need a place to stage their space opera! Available Star Wars playsets include spaceships, planets and grand buildings from every era. Their figures can clash in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the droid factories of Geonosis, the halls of the Death Star and more!

One of the biggest selling, most popular franchises of all time, Star Wars has attracted a legion of fans over the years, and companies have never stopped producing Star Wars toys. This combination ensures that there’s a huge collector’s market for vintage Star Wars toys, some of which you will find in this collection. These include toys of characters from the Legends continuity who are no longer canon, like Kyle Katan, Darth Revan and Mara Jade!

Star Wars wearable toys and lightsabers

As well as our prodigious collection of Star Wars action figures, you can also pick up a selection of incredible wearable toys and Star Wars-themed accessories in this edit! With one of the wearable toys among this selection your child can really feel like they’re using the Force! They interact with select Star Wars action figures and playsets to produce new sounds, effects and voice clips as if by magic!

And what young Jedi is complete without a toy lightsaber -  a toy for a more civilized age! Your child can pick their favourite from a wide selection of designs based on iconic lightsabers from the franchise, such Anakin’s blue saber, Luke’s green sword and Kylo Ren’s cross-hilted weapon!

Customers love our best-selling Star Wars Toys

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